Chapter 34

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As the start time of "Operation Red Owl" approaches, Chu Yinlong organized two more small-scale script readings. The details of the script have been basically finalized, and the character styling and makeup are also on the agenda.

Jiang Dao sat in front of the makeup mirror and let the makeup artist tinker with his face.

Next to him, Chu Yinlong was still making comments: "No, the color is still too tender. If it's darker...well, why don't we add some special effects like spots and acne marks? These people are desperadoes, and their skin quality is not that good." Okay."

The makeup artist held up the tool and stared at Jiang Dao's face for a long time, speechless and choked.

"Brother Long, I have tried my best to make him ugly...but he is here, and if I make him even more ugly, he won't be any more ugly!"

Chu Yinlong thought for a moment, then raised his hand to Jiang Dao's face. Xuxu drew a line: "Here, add a scar."

The makeup artist took a deep breath and turned to prepare scar special effects tools.

Seeing Jiang Dao staring at the mirror with a curious face, Chu Yinlong asked: "You were so beautiful, but now you are painted so ugly, is it acceptable?" "Yes,

I can accept being uglier." Jiang Dao didn't even accept it. Don't care, "According to the description in the script, Jess often travels in the tropics, and as a member of a criminal organization, he often participates in battles, so he must have scars on his body. Coupled with exposure to wind, sun and rain, his skin will be very rough, and he will also It's not like someone who cares about appearance, maybe he doesn't even bother to shave..."

After listening to a long speech, Chu Yinlong couldn't help but laugh: "Aren't you afraid that your fans will be scared and lose their fans?"

Jiang Dao didn't care: "Take off your beard. Well, sooner or later."

Chu Yinlong reached out and patted Jiang Dao on the shoulder without saying anything else.

After spending nearly another hour, the makeup artist finally followed Chu Yinlong's request and dressed Jiang Dao into a dark-skinned outlaw. She was sent out of the dressing room sadly, and she stood beside the makeup photographer, sighing.

The photographer was confused: "What's wrong? Still not satisfied?"

The makeup artist raised her hands to cover her face: "That's not... it's just... I ruined such a beautiful little guy with my own hands. I feel so guilty."

Photographer: ...

In the scene, Jiang Dao stood openly in front of the camera and took several poses as requested by Chu Yinlong.

Fortunately, his role does not require too many expressions, just a cold face is enough, and the single makeup photo was taken very smoothly.

Unexpectedly, when Yao Yuhua came on stage and was about to take a group photo of villain characters with their makeup set, a problem arose.

"No," Chu Yinlong frowned and stood behind the camera, "It doesn't feel right."

"It's indeed not right." The lead artist who followed also frowned.

The two pondered for a moment, looked at each other, and said at the same time: "Jess is wrong."

Jiang Dao, who was standing next to Yao Yuhua, subconsciously looked at Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong was holding his arms and gently rubbing his chin with one hand, looking a little solemn. Beside him, the screenwriter and the lead artist also looked like they were thinking hard.

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