Chapter 43

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Chu Yinlong could naturally see that Jiang Dao's bones should be fine. In the past, if an actor would cry out in pain because of such a minor injury, he would still sneer at it.

But rational judgment is one thing, and looking at the scar and feeling blocked is another thing entirely.

At this time, the assistant's call came in, and Chu Yinlong answered: "Asked?"

The assistant replied: "Asked, he has no background, and he is not a fan of Jiangdao. His parents have been divorced for many years, and it should be due to the breakdown of the family when he was young. Because of the psychological shadow caused by him, he is particularly sensitive to extramarital affairs and illegitimate children."

After a moment of silence, Chu Yinlong said: "I know. Xin Wutai will contact you as soon as possible. It is best not to delay the filming."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yinlong looked at Jiang Dao.

"I'm sorry, I won't let you encounter this kind of thing again." He said in a serious tone, "Don't worry too much, this kind of people are in the minority after all, and most people will not... be so extreme."

Edao smiled He shook his head and said, "I'm not worried."

He was not afraid of being bullied. If it had been when he had just traveled through time and had not completely suppressed his anger, he would not have bothered to finish the shot and would have fought back as soon as possible. Wu Tai fell down. Even just now, if Chu Yinlong hadn't blocked it, Wu Wei would have been injured more seriously than him now.

He just didn't expect that the identity of an illegitimate child could be disliked to such an extent.

On the contrary, he had thought simply before. In different worlds, the human world and the philosophy of dealing with things are indeed completely different. He can no longer judge according to the set of rules he learned from the apocalypse. He originally didn't pay much attention to checking his own life experience, but now it seems... that after the filming of the movie is over, he will have to put more effort into it.

However, his first priority is to finish filming the movie first, and then consider other things after it is completed.

The two of them didn't exchange a few words before Chu Yinlong was called away by the stylist to put on make-up for his impromptu photo shoot.

Seeing Chu Yinlong leaving, Jing Yu moved to Jiang Dao and sat down on a chair nearby.

"Is your arm okay?" He asked with concern. "I saw that person kicked very hard and got knocked out several times. No wonder even Teacher Chu can't stand it anymore."

Jiang Dao generously put on the arm Show him the bruises.

Jing Yu hissed: "The injury is so serious, it's even blue!"

"Severe?" Jiang Dao was amused, "You call this a serious injury?"

This kind of bruise cannot be called an "injury" on the battlefield. "Usually, even if you bump into something at home, you'll be bruised. How come you're injured when you get to the set?

Jing Yu was puzzled: "Isn't this serious?"

He didn't know what he thought of at the end, and sighed: "That's right. I guess this is not a serious injury in Teacher Chu's opinion. If you ask for leave because of this, maybe he will still be injured." He knows how to scold..."

Jing Yu was talking to himself when assistant Xiao Yang returned to the set and went straight to Jiang Dao.

"Xiao Dao," he leaned over and whispered in Jiang Dao's ear, "the boss asked me to take you to the hospital."

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