Chapter 94

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The romance turmoil between Tang Yao and Zhou Wei continued until the end of December and still has not completely subsided. Various entertainment platforms and marketing accounts kept pulling out details from the variety shows and film and television dramas that the two had previously collaborated on, looking at pictures and writing nonsense. To gain traffic.

A few days later, Jiang Dao also made a big news - he actually had an affair with a female star.

The target of Jiang Dao's scandal was Wu Rui, a popular TV drama actress. The reason was that Longqi Entertainment arranged for the two of them to attend a certain TV station's annual meeting together. During this period, Wu Rui's dress strap accidentally broke. Jiang Dao, who was standing next to her, immediately took off his coat and put it on her body, and sent her to the rest room to change clothes.

This scene was of course keenly recorded by the media present.

Handsome men and beautiful women, heroes saving beauties, are the plots that entertainment platforms and marketing accounts like to add fuel to the most. Even though Wu Rui stood up and clarified immediately, saying that the relationship between the two was just a working relationship, everyone felt that this was accurate.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yinlong returned to China from country A. As soon as he got off the plane, he received a call from his secretary.

"Huh? Wu Rui's team contacted the studio?"

Because he flew for more than ten hours, he didn't know about Jiang Dao's scandal last night. He was a little confused when he heard this: "What's the matter with her?"

On the phone, Secretary Zhang explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then laughed and said: "Did she know something? She had an affair with Jiang Dao, why are she so afraid of my anger? Okay, tell them, it's not a big deal, now that it's been clarified , let this matter take its course."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yinlong thought for a while and called Jiang Dao again.

The answer came almost instantly: "Where have you been?"

Hearing his question, Chu Yinlong immediately understood: "Are you coming to pick up the plane?"

Jiang Dao didn't hide it, he laughed and said: "Yes, it's just the right day anyway. No arrangement."

At this time, the assistant just brought the luggage. Chu Yinlong took it and turned to walk to the VIP entrance. He said, "Wait for me in the car. I will interrogate you later."

"Jiang Dao?" Happy, "Have you heard about what happened last night?"

Chu Yinlong deliberately snorted coldly.

Edao wasn't afraid, he smiled and said: "Oh, don't interrogate in the car, let's talk about it when you get home! I can interrogate you however you want when you get home, I'll prepare a small leather whip and rope handcuffs for you. "

Chu Yinlong:...

Chu Yinlong had a headache: "Did you drive here by yourself?"

Jiang Dao was shocked: "How did you guess this?"

Chu Yinlong said expressionlessly: "If Xiao Yang was in the car, wouldn't you? Such nonsense."

As he spoke, Chu Yinlong walked into the VIP parking area and saw his commercial vehicle parked side by side with Jiangdao's off-road vehicle. Assistant Yang Yue opened the car door and reached out to pick up the luggage.

Chu Yinlong said calmly: "Xiao Yang, take him back to the studio. I'll take Jiangdao's car home."

The two assistants were almost used to being disliked and abandoned by their bosses. There was no surprise on their faces when they heard this . Follow the arrangements.

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