Chapter 35

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"What's the point of adding this plot?"

At the last script reading meeting before "Operation Red Owl" started filming, Chu Yinlong frowned and looked at the screenwriter, with a hint of unhappiness in his tone.

"They are villains. The identity of the lovers is just to match Jiang Dao's temperament and does not require the audience to have any emotional involvement."

The screenwriter shook his head in disapproval: "Look, if we add an intimate scene here, later on, Jess will be alone Staying to stop Wei Jie is obviously an abandonment, which reflects He Zhenhai's cold-blooded cruelty from the side..."

Chu Yinlong said with a straight face: "It's impossible to pass the trial."

The screenwriter, however, has long been familiar with the sidelines: "It's not true. Kiss...Besides, it's okay to shoot it first, and then cut it if you can't handle it. You've filmed so many movies, you should be used to such things as waste films." Chu Yinlong's tone became colder: "

Waste films It was out of necessity, but this scene is really superfluous."

The screenwriter was immediately unhappy: "Why is it superfluous? Xu Zhou would have been punished if he broke in without knocking on the door, so adding a moment of intimate scenes here is not obtrusive at all. ...Teacher Yao, what do you think?"

As if he didn't expect to be suddenly asked to be a foreign aid, Yao Yuhua coughed lightly: "I have no objection."

The screenwriter looked at Jiang Dao again.

Jiang Dao lazily leaned on the table, supporting his chin with one hand, and said in a nonchalant tone: "I can do it." "The

actors are all fine, I think it can be filmed." The screenwriter said, taking another half step back, "Anyway, it's just a It's a short shot, otherwise we'll shoot two versions when the time comes, and we'll see which one works better when we're editing."

Chu Yinlong lowered his eyes and looked at the two newly added lines on the script, and was silent for a long time, but in the end he didn't let go. He picked up the script and banged it on the table with the spine of the book, solemnly emphasizing: "I am the director, I have the final say."

The screenwriter rolled his eyes to the ceiling, leaned back slumped in his seat, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and stopped talking.

After the script reading meeting, Edao went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he saw Chu Yinlong leaning on the sink, pinching his eyebrows, his face full of exhaustion.

Hearing the footsteps, Chu Yinlong opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Dao in the mirror.

Jiang Dao turned on the faucet and said with a smile: "We have held reading meetings so many times, but today I discovered that you are really fierce when you work."

Chu Yinlong sighed softly: "When I get to the set, I will be even more fierce... Are you scared?"

Jiang Dao said casually: "You are scared, your face was so dark just now, you feel like you are going to lift the table and beat someone with your next move."

Chu Yinlong let out a soft snort from his nose.

After Jiang Dao washed his hands, he didn't wipe them. He shook them casually and was about to leave. Suddenly he heard Chu Yinlong's voice: "Aren't you against filming intimate scenes?" "

Huh?" Jiang Dao turned around and looked at Chu Yinlong. dragon.

Chu Yinlong's face showed no clues and his tone was very calm: "You have also read the script. They want to give you...the added scene between Jess and He Zhenhai. Can you accept it?"

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