Chapter 85

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When Junzi stood for fifty minutes, Yibailu excused himself from feeling dizzy and went to sit on the sidelines.

Soon, the one-hour timer ended, and all the members of the uniformed star class did twenty push-ups together as a penalty, and finally it was time to rest.

This morning's training schedule only included military posture, but seeing that only one hour had passed in the morning, everyone was already feeling miserable and didn't know how they would spend the next two hours or so.

Unexpectedly, among the recruits on the other side, a group of ten people were suddenly stopped from training by their instructors and brought to the star class, saying that they wanted to have an entertainment challenge.

Everyone suddenly became interested: "Wow! Is this the start of the entertainment competition?"

The instructor introduced: "This is the model class of our first battalion of recruits. They have accepted the first challenge you have issued."

After hearing this , Jiang Dao was delighted: "The challenge we issued? We don't even know what the challenge is. Are the program crew trying to trick us?"

Cheng Zhiyi immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, why don't we know the content of the challenge?"

At this time , the instructor of the star class took out an envelope from his pocket, opened it, turned to the camera, and read: "Military Posture and Military Appearance Challenge - Each team sends a pacesetter for a one-on-one PK, and they stand in a military posture on the field, and the rest of the team members have to Find a way to make the opponent's pacesetter laugh. If the pacesetter laughs, the next pacesetter will take over. Each pacesetter will be stationed for a maximum of three minutes. If everyone fails, they will be punished by standing still for thirty minutes. "

Hearing this, Rules, Wu Rui spread his hands: "That's it, they are a model class, they are all trained, how can they laugh under normal circumstances?"

Jiang Qiulin agreed: "Yes, and we don't have comedians here."

Zhang Xiaoyuan laughed: " Sister Bailu, you should invite Brother Lu Yun here, his talk show is so funny!"

On the other side, a strange-looking little soldier suddenly blinked at Chu Yinlong: "Hey, you guys will be waiting for a while! You must hold on longer!"

Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows: "Are you so sure you can win?"

The little soldier looked proud: "We are all professionally trained, so you will never laugh when we stand guard! "

Chu Yinlong asked with a smile: "Why are you still cheering for the enemy?"

The little soldier said: "That's not it. We have to go back to training after the entertainment challenge! If we can delay it for thirty minutes, we will have a long rest! Well..."

Cheng Zhiyi said: "You don't like training either?"

The little soldier glanced in the direction of their squad leader and lowered his voice: "Really, who can love training? Uh, don't tell our squad leader this. ..." Cheng

Zhiyi pointed to the microphone stuck in his collar and asked, "Do you know what this is?" Then he pointed to the big brother holding the camera next to him, "Do you know what he is doing?"

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