♬ 2 - Commando App

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A few days have passed since the Davenports' party, McKayla hasn't heard anything about them or seen them in the last few days, curiosity about what happened to those crazy people was inevitable.

McKayla arrives at school and finds Caitlin "Hey Cait, how are you?" McKayla asks "only you can be excited on a school day" Caitlin says "I'm rarely down, you know" McKayla says "You're a little angel!" Caitlin hugs McKayla who smiles.

"Did you hear anything about the Davenports? Do you think Mr Davenport was so angry that he took them out of school?" McKayla says "I have no idea, but I don't doubt they'll show up sooner or later" Caitlin says, McKayla nods.

"Why?" Caitlin asks "I was curious, they suddenly showed up and it was just so... random" McKayla frowns, Caitlin laughs "I liked the girl, she seems nice" Caitlin says.

"Yeah, the cake boy too" McKayla chuckles, Caitlin looks at her "what?" McKayla says "the... cake boy?" Caitlin raises her eyebrow.

"yes, the one who put cake all over his face" McKayla gestures to put something on her face "I know who it is!" Caitlin holds her hand.

"So?" McKayla ask "Did you like him?" Caitlin asks "Cait, don't start!" McKayla rolls her eyes "relax I'm not going to do anything..." Caitlin says.

McKayla sighs "he's really cute isn't he?" McKayla says "Eh" Caitlin says, McKayla tilts her head in irritation.

"He's a bit... dull" Caitlin says, McKayla shakes her head "But if you like it, who am I to judge!?" Caitlin shrugs.

"He seems cool, he doesn't seem like a bully and all macho like most guys out there... He seems to be kind" McKayla says putting her hair behind her ear "You like him!" Caitlin smiles.

"Cait!" McKayla says angrily "okay, I stopped!" Caitlin leaves.

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Meanwhile in the Lab.

"Okay, guys, you have been trained for all kinds of missions. But you are about to enter a soul-bruising, confidence-crushing, apocalyptic environment: high school" Donald says, everyone looks at each other.

"Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable" Donald says "Yes! I'm going to school!" Bree says excitedly "I'm fairly stable!" Adam says equally excited.

"But, Chase, I am still concerned about your Commando App" Donald says, Leo frowns "Commando App? Put on some underpants. We're going to school" Leo says.

"No, see, in the face of an imminent threat, Chase's Commando App kicks in and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike" Donald holds Chase's shoulders.

"It's kinda like a fight-or-flight thing, except I took out the flight part, 'cause, useless. And I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a Tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad!" Donald says.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head" Chase says "Oh, yeah? You mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" Donald says


A flashback of the partially destroyed lab and Spike throwing a barrel across the room starts.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now