♬ 86 - Super Hero Code

361 19 93

At Davenport Tower.

McKayla and Chase are at the counter while Luke is with Bree and Skylar at the computer "Lunch is ready!" Oliver says.

"I'll grab the plates." Chase says "Oh, just like you grabbed the heart of the girl I love?" Oliver says irritably, McKayla frowns "Still not over me getting Skylar her powers back, huh?" Chase says.

"Nope. And you'll notice your tomato slice is very thin." Oliver says offended "Oliver will you stop this?!" McKayla says annoyed.

"Tell your boyfriend to stop upstaging me in front of Skylar" Oliver says "Oh that's ridiculous" Chase says, McKayla shakes her head "Look, I already talked to Skylar. She knows you mean well about bringing her powers back" McKayla says.

"Have you talked to her?" Oliver says "Yes, and you know she seems to like you, but maybe she doesn't know it yet." McKayla says gently.

"Then let's show her." Oliver smiles "No Oliver, that's something she wants to find out on her own" McKayla says, Oliver shrugs.

Bree walks over to the bench "I will get the plates." She opens cupboard, plates fall out in pieces "Why are they all broken? What happened?" Bree asks.

"Well, I was doing the dishes, and I accidentally broke them with my super strength." Oliver says "That still doesn't answer why you put them back in the cabinet." Skylar says.

Oliver picks up a piece "Because now we have service for 36 tiny people." Oliver says "You're underestimating how fancy tiny people are," Luke says. Kaz walks in "Hey guys." Kaz says "Hey, Kaz, I didn't smell you come in. Did you shower?" Bree smirks "Yeah, I had to. My younger brother Kyle's coming to visit... and the pen I was chewing on exploded all over my face." Kaz says.

" Aw it'll be nice to have your brother here" McKayla smiles sitting down next to Chase and stealing the lettuce of his sandwich " I didn't know you had a little brother." Chase says, McKayla threatens to steal more of his sandwich, Chase grabs her wrist "Stop stealing my food" Chase says firmly tensing his jaw, McKayla giggles "Sorry" McKayla says, Chase brings the sandwich closer to her and lets her take a bite.

"Yeah, well, growing up, Kyle and I never really bonded, but now that he's older and I moved away, I think he misses me. This is our chance to finally become best buds." Kaz says.

"Aw this is so sweet" McKayla says with her mouth full and ends up getting some katshup on the corner of her mouth, Chase smirks and wipes the corner of her mouth with his thumb, McKayla looks at him in surprise. Chase gives a shy smile, McKayls blushes.

The doorbell chimes "That's him." Kaz door opens revealing Kyle "Kyle!" Kaz smiles "Oh he looks like a mini Kaz" Luke says "The bionic people!" Kyle tosses backpack to Kaz and runs over to the rest of the group "Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're more excited to see them than me." Kaz chuckles akwardly "I am." Kyle smiles and Chase waves at Kaz.

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Everyone is in the living room.

Chase has his arm around McKayla, she smells the curve of his neck "I love your scent" McKayla says softly and giggles "Oh yeah? and I love it when you whisper in my ear" Chase says softly, McKayla laughs and Chase blushes.

While the two are exchanging compliments, Kyle is in the middle of the room "So when my mom told me that Kaz was an intern with the bionic people, I just had to come see for myself." Kyle says in awe "Okay, well, now you saw 'em so, what do you say you and I get outta here and take our chances eating some street meat." Kaz suggests "Kaz, do you mind? The grown-ups are talking." Kyle says "Ha I like this boy already" Luke chuckles.

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