♬ 32 - Not So Smart Phone

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In the lab.

Bree and Chase walk in.

Adam is arranging bowling pins and Leo walks up to them

"Hey guys, check it out. We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town." Chase shows the envelope "Nice! What are you going to spend it on? A video game? New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?" Leo says, Chase smiles and throws his head back.

"Nope. I'm gonna open a savings account." Chase says proudly, Bree puts her hand on his shoulder "I want to like you, but you make it so hard." Bree walks away.

"The job also comes with perks." Chase holds up a phone "The new ePhone 7?! Those aren't even out yet! How'd you get one?" Leo says impressed

"Well, Leo, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire..""We all got one." Bree interrupts Chase by showing a cell phone too.

"People are already lined up for the big release Friday. You should've seen the crazy looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing." Chase says, Leo stares at the phone with a crazed look "Yup that's the look." Chase says.

Leo takes Chase's cell phone "This version's got a new auto-centering feature to help you take better selfies." Leo takes a a selfie, which turns out horribly, Chase frowns and looks at him "Yeah, I don't photograph well." Leo says frustrated.

"Point that bad boy over here. You're gonna want to record this perfection." Adam says from across the lab where he has arranged bowling pins and holds a bowling ball.


Leo starts filming Adam with Chase's cell phone "I'm Adam Davenport, and this is "Bionic Bowling"" Adam tells the cell phone camera.

Leo does a voiceover while Adam prepares "Adam is six-foot-two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else." Leo says, Adam glares at him.

Adam rolls the bowling ball and gets a strike "Oh, yeah!" Leo record "Whoo!" Adam celebrates.


Leo starts recording Chase "I'm Chase Davenport, and this is "Molecular Kinesis Bowling."" Chase says confidently.

Leo again does a voiceover "A native of Mission Creek, Chase's hobbies include being a tattle-tale and creeping out girls." Leo says, Chase looks at him questioningly and Leo shrugs .

Chase rolls the bowling ball with his molecular kinesis and knocks all but two pins down "Oh! Oh, the dreaded 7/10 split! Devastating. Just devastating." Leo puts his cell phone camera in Chase's face.

Adam mock whimpers. Chase moves the ball with his molecular kinesis and knocks the rest of the pins down "You were saying?" Chase smirk "Oh, it's on!" Adam says.


Leo is recording Adam again.

"I'm still Adam Davenport, and this is "Blastwave Bowling." Adam drops the ball and instead blast waves Chase across the room, knocking him over the pins

Chase agonizes on the floor and Leo and Adam go to him, Leo records Chase's face "And we have a loser!" Leo says, Chase galres at him still lying on the floor.

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In Tech Town Store.

McKayla has just made a sale and walks up to Chase, who is on the other side of a counter "See that, I'm one sale behind you and soon I'll be ten sales ahead of you, wait" McKayla says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now