♬ 43 - Armed and Dangerous

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At the dance academy.

McKayla was chosen to lead the group that week, meaning she would be responsible for creating an entire choreography for her class to present at the event that would take place over the weekend.

They were rehearsing all afternoon.

"Mack can we take a break?" Paige says, already out of breath from dancing, "Of course not, this has to be perfect! How are they already so tired, we've barely started?!" McKayla thinks.

"We're literally on the 20th attempt, I think it's already great!" Paige says leaning on her legs "Oh okay, just one more time" McKayla says "This is the 10th time you've said that" Paige says.

McKayla giggles gently "This time I mean It" McKayla says, Paige takes a deep breath "Okay guys! from the start, in your positions. And three two one!" McKayla says and they start dancing.

Mrs. Marshall, McKayla's dance teacher, enters the room accompanied by a man "These are our students" Mrs. Marshall tells them man.

Jennifer Lopez as Mrs. Marshall

She and the man carefully watch the students dance "I guarantee you, Mr

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She and the man carefully watch the students dance "I guarantee you, Mr. Austin, you will find the best dancers in Mission Creek here at our academy." Mrs Marshall says.

Oscar Isaac as Jhonatan Austin

Jhonatan nods his head "I can see that" he says, his gaze quickly goes to McKayla who is in front leading the other students in the dance

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Jhonatan nods his head "I can see that" he says, his gaze quickly goes to McKayla who is in front leading the other students in the dance.

He carefully observes McKayla's steps and the precision with which she dances, giving herself completely to it, he can see that.

"Who's the girl in front?" Jhonatan asks and points to McKayla, Mrs. Marshall smiles "She's the girl I told you about" Mrs. Marshall says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now