♬ 52 - Adam Steps Up

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in the training area.

Mason is sparring with McKayla, he holds boxing gauntlets in his hands while McKayla punches them.

"McKayla focus!" Mason says, McKayla punches his left hand with her right fist and his right hand with her left fist.

"I'm focused!" McKayla says, already panting "Okay then let's go one more time" Mason says, McKayla nods.

"Attack to the stomach..." Mason simulates punching her in the stomach and she defends "attack from behind.." Mason quickly moves behind her "Ahg!!" McKayla kicks his hand to defend herself.

"Dodge.." Mason simulates attacks from all directions and McKayla just deflects them "A trip..." Mason pretends to trip her, McKayla avoids it by doing a back somersault, she throws a punch and tries to trip him and he avoids it "Perfect!" Mason says.

McKayla turns her back to him "Surprise attack!" Mason comes at her from behind, she quickly turns around, dodging the first attack, responds with three strong punches and finishes with a kick. Knocking the boxing gauntlet out of Mason's hand and he loses his balance and falls to the ground.

McKayla gasps "Sorry dad" McKayla says "What are you talking about? that was amazing Princess!" Mason says getting up quickly, McKayla laughs "Okay, take the rest of the day to rest, you did great today" Mason hugs and kisses his daughter's head.

"Thank you dad" McKayla says taking a bottle of water, as the students begin to enter the training area. McKayla and Mason trained super early before student training began in the morning. This way they don't interfere with students' training.

"Okay then, I have work to do, See ya!" Mason says leaving. McKayla finishes drinking the bottle of water when Sebastian walks in.

"Hey Macky" Sebastian says "Hey Seb, what's up?" McKayla says "How was practice today?" Sebastian asks "Amazing, I made my dad fall to the ground. Yey!!" McKayla says with a small smile, Sebastian frowns in confusion.

McKayla shrugs "He's a strong guy, that was nothing" McKayla says, Sebastian laughs "You're really cute" Sebastian says, McKayla blushes slightly "Uh thanks" McKayla says softly.

McKayla puts the water bottle aside "Uh Mack I..." Sebastian says as Chase walks in "Chase!" McKayla says purposely loudly, interrupting Sebastian, McKayla goes to Chase.

Sebastian groans softly to himself, McKayla talks a little with Chase and Sebastian watches the two irritated.

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A while later McKayla walks out and Chase goes into the middle of the students.

"All right, listen up, guys. We're introducing a new element to training... the bionic battle. Each week, two of you will be pitted against each other in a physical challenge." Chase explains.

"To the death?" Spin says "Yes, Big D built this multi-million-dollar facility to train and house you just so we could pick you off one by one." Leo says sarcastically.

"So each week's winner will earn points toward advancing to the next bionic skill level. And the loser gets...well, humiliated." Chase laughs

"Spin, since you're the youngest, you get to choose an opponent first." Bree says "Yes! Scared? Ya should be." Spin threatens students "No, no. This isn't about scaring people. No one's going to get hurt" Chase says, a basketball is thrown at Chase's back suddenly.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now