♬ 45 - Spike Fright

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In Chicago.

McKayla continued attending boring dance classes where she just sat in the corner and watched because she was too proud to admit that it wasn't even close to her dream.

Not only because of that, but she couldn't stop thinking about what her father would say about her abandoning all that.

But there comes a time when enough is enough.

After a week of insisting.

McKenzie was drinking coffee in the kitchen while doing a crossword puzzle when McKayla came down the stairs with a suitcase in each hand.

She drops her bags on the floor and sighs with a smile at her grandmother, McKenzie raises her eyebrow "What does that mean?" McKenzie says "I'm going backpacking trip through Europe!" McKayla says sarcastically with her hands on her hips.

"Good luck Mini Mack, if you're going through a forest, watch out for bears" McKenzie continues the joke taking a sip of coffee, McKayla giggles "Seriously, grandma! I want to go home" McKayla approaches the table.

"I miss my mom, my dad. I want to know if Trent got in trouble and most importantly I want to feel part of it all again" McKayla says "And I want my friends, Chase back" she thinks.

McKenzie smiles "Are you sure about this. Because this time there will be no going back" McKenzie says, McKayla takes a deep breath "This is not my place, these are not my people" McKayla says.

McKenzie nods "Okay, I'll book the tickets back" McKenzie says, McKayla smiles excitedly and hugs her grandma "Let's go back to Mission Creek!" McKayla smiles wildly.

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In the school cafeteria.

Bree is in the lunch line while Flo, the lunch lady, is putting food on her plate, Perry walks behind Flo.

"You double-crossed me for the last time, Flo! First, I catch you smuggling fish sticks in your panty hose and then you think you can walk all over me just because you look debonair in a hairnet?" Perry says irritated and Flo rolls her eyes.

Flo smacks mashed potatoes on Bree's plate. Bree pulls out a massive hair "Wow, hm, well, I guess the hair net's just for show. Yew!" Bree throws the hair on the floor, and walks to the table with the boys.

"Okay, heads up, stay away from Principal Perry." Bree says "Trust me, that's the first thing I tell myself every morning when I wake up." Leo says "Really? The first thing I tell myself is shaving cream only looks like food." Adam says.

Perry pops up next to Flo "What's the matter, Flo, nervous? You should be! One more mess-up and I will take you out!" Perry says and Flo walks away, Leo turns to look at Perry curiously.

"What are you looking at?" Perry asks irritated "You keep me asking that question and I'm still not sure I can give you an honest answer." Leo tilts his head "Mind your own business! If I wanted to be stared all day I'd still be a catalog model for Burt's Chainsaws." Perry walks away.

Adam starts makes weird faces while looking across the room "Adam, what are you doing? Why do you keep making faces like you're taking a selfie?" Bree asks.

"'Cause that girl Sabrina has been checking me out." Adam says, Sabrina gets up and walks toward their table.

"Ooh, here she comes" Adam gets up too "Hey, Sabrina. I couldn't help but notice you staring at me from across the room." Adam smiles confidently "Actually, I was looking at Chase." Sabrina says "Oh, a sense of humor. I like it! So..." Adam says but Sabrina turns away from Adam to Chase.

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