♬ 20 - Llama Drama

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In the gym.

Bree and Leo walk in and see all the students working on building dominoes.

"What's going on in here? Domino Domination?" Bree says "I don't know anything about dominos, but if it means gym class is canceled, I'm all for it." Leo says.

Caitlin and McKayla walks in holding a basket of dominos "Oh, hey, Caitlin. Are you doing the Domino Domination?" Bree says ""Doing"? No. Annihilating every competitor that comes my way? Yes." Caitlin says.

"what about you M.C?" Leo asks "It's already tradition for me to be Cait's faithful squire in the annihilation and domination of dominoes" McKayla says, Caitlin smiles at her "You may not know this, but I come from four generations of domino-droppers." Caitlin says.

"And that's something you're proud of?" Leo says "I got stuck with second place last year. If it happens again, I'll have to shave my head, move to the desert, and hope the coyotes will accept me as one of their own." Caitlin says, McKayla rolls her eyes

"That's something a stable person would say." Leo says "Cait is a little competitive" McKayla says quietly "I'm not competitive!!" Caitlin says irritated "This is what competitive people say" McKayla says.

"So, how do these competitions work?" Bree asks "You get points for number of dominos toppled and originality. My designs are super original 'cause, well, there's only one me!" Caitlin says "Amen to that!" Leo says.

"She's not very humble, but it's no lie that her designs are good" McKayla says "McKayla is the only one who always follows me in these competitions. My other teammates just bailed. They couldn't handle the pressure." Caitlin scoffs, McKayla sighs knowing exactly why.

Bree chuckles "The pressure of dominos?" Bree laughs, Caitlin gives her a hard look "Sorry." Bree says "Don't play with it, belive me" McKayla says "I just wish we didn't have to set it all up by ourselves." Caitlin says and points to McKayla.

"Well, hey, we'll help you. That sounds fun." Bree says "Uh, no it does not. And who is "we"?" Leo says "Okay, come on, Leo, what else do you have going on today?" Bree says "Anything. I have anything else going on today. Fine. I'll do it." Leo says.

McKayla starts nodding and swinging her arms silently behind Caitlin's back, telling Bree and Leo that they shouldn't do that, Bree and Leo frown "Great." Caitlin smiles and turns to McKayla who casually leans on a table "Yey!" McKayla smiles pretending to be excited.

McKayla takes a box full of dominoes and begins to assemble them "On one condition. I get to be the one who knocks over the first domino." Leo says "You can't be the tipper! The tipper gets all the glory. I'm always the tipper!" Caitlin says "Well, give my best to the coyotes." Leo starts to walk away.

"What a shame they're going to miss all the fun" McKayla says sarcastically "Fine!" Caitlin says with hesitation, Leo stops "You can be the tipper." Caitlin rolls her eyes "Oh damn it" McKayla says to herself.

Leo walks back "And we'll be Team Leo." Leo smiles "I will break you in half." Caitlin says angryly "Team Caitlin it is." Leo says scared.

"Actually, we're going to be team McKatlin!" Caitlin smiles, McKayla stands up "wait, for real?" McKayla says "yeah, you're like my dominos sister, and in all these years you've never won any of the glory..." Caitlin says.

"Aw Cait!' McKayla says "...you never got the glory because people can't see your small contribution overshadowed by my amazing designs and my amazing family legacy" Caitlin says, McKayla makes a face "You know sometimes it's only better if you stop talking, but I love you and I appreciate your... insignificant gesture of affection" McKayla says.

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