♬ 38 - Which Father Knows Best?

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In the lab.

Donald is trying to fix Bree's chip, Chase and Leo help him while McKayla and Adam watch.

McKayla has been trying to spend more time in the lab, she is starting to become interested and curious about the bionic side of her friends' lives. She feels excluded from this part of their lives because she doesn't understands, and she intends to change that.

"Well, Bree, you smashed your chip so badly, it's useless. But! I was able to replicate my brother's original chip and like my face, it's flawless." Donald brags.

"Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror." Leo says, Chase laughs silently.

"Wait, so I'm actually going to be bionic again?" Bree asks "Yep." Donald says "Yes!" Bree gratefully hugs Donald "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Bree says gratefully.

"Your chip's almost ready." Donald says, the chip fabricator dings "Ooh! Snacks are done!" Adam says.

"For the last time, this is not a microwave! It's a chip fabricator." Donald says "It looks a bit like a microwave" McKayla says "It's a chip fabricator!" Donald says.

"Call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here." Adam says "I will never eat anything you offer me" McKayla says with disgust "I don't recommend it either" Adam presses his lips.

"Okay, Bree, hop in your capsule when you're ready for your new chip." Donald gives Bree the chip and she smiles excitedly.

"You know, Big D, if this works, maybe you can make a chip for me." Leo says "Please, your body can't handle high-fiber cereal." Donald says.

"Wait could you do that?" McKayla asks interested "Turning a normal human bionic? I couldn't but my brother could, but it's very dangerous. That's how Krane became what he became" Donald says.

"But...Like someone like me could be bionic?" McKayla asks "You don't need bionics Mack" Donald puts his hand on her shoulder.

"No, but it would be really cool" McKayla thinks.

Bree steps out of her capsule "So? How does it feel?" Donald asks her "Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system!" Bree smiles "Whoo hoo! Success! Alright, now, give it a try, see how it worked." Donald says.

"Okay." Bree attempts to use her super-speed and ends up on the ceiling for a few seconds, destroying some pipes and ends up on the floor.

"Oh my god!" McKayla says "Relax we have super durability" Chase says "Oh that's why Adam keeps throwing you and is everything ok?" McKayla asks, Chase rolls his eyes "great I was humiliated in front of her, that's not ok!!" He thinks.

"Well, she's still more useful than Chase!" Adam says "And humiliated again" Chase thinks as he looks irritated at Adam, McKayla hits Adam on the arm "Jerk...but still not as bad as my brother" McKayla thinks.

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Adam sits Bree on a stool "You know, technically speaking, your bionics are working..." Donald tells Bree.

"You call this working?!" Bree says in a deep voice "Woah!" McKayla says "I can't control my vocal manipulation! I can't control anything!" Bree says in a thin voice.

"I'm so close. It just needs a few tweaks!" Donald says putting a device on Bree's neck.

Chase pulls Adam aside "Dude, we're in big trouble if he can't fix her. We need her speed and agility for missions!" Chase says "Well maybe we'll just find someone to replace her." Adam thinks.

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