♬ 53 - Unauthorized Mission

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in the common area.

McKayla walks in as Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and Sebastian exit the hydraloop after a mission.

"Nice work, guys. That mission was a total success." Chase says "Maybe for you. Nothing caught on fire or blew up. To me: colossal failure." Adam says "Well, good news, you've got heat vision and a whole afternoon ahead of you. Go make something happen." Leo taps him on the shoulder.

"How was your first mission?" McKayla asks Sebastian "Guess what. The mission leader didn't let me do anything" Sebastian points to Chase.

"Well it's Chase being Chase, being honest" McKayla shrugs "He interferes with my training like that" Sebastian says "Of course not, you're doing very well, after all, you went on this mission, didn't you" McKayla puts her hand on Sebastian's shoulder.

"Why do you always defend him?" Sebastian asks, McKayla frowns "I don't defend him" McKayla says, Sebastian tilts his head "I thought you two were on bad terms" Sebastian says "Uh...we are.. a bit" McKayla says.

"It's just that maybe our fight is losing its meaning. Or maybe it never should have happened" McKayla thinks confused. She was hurt by Chase, but little by little the hurt began to unravel, but she knows she messed up with him, and she finds it difficult for him to forgive her.

"Macky, I...can I talk to you later?" Sebastian asks "Sure, you can tell me anything!" McKayla smiles, Sebastian smiles "you're incredible" Sebastian says and gives her a sudden kiss on the cheek, he walks away and McKayla feels a strange feeling of guilt upon receiving that kiss on the cheek.

Bob walks up to Adam "Hey, Adam, check it out. While you were gone, I got to boogie board with the dolphins." Bob shows a boogie board with a bite taken out of it "Bob, those weren't dolphins. These are clearly the bites of an angry catfish." Adam says.

"Wow! Is there anything you don't know?" Bob walks away, Bree, Sebastian and McKayla look at him perplexed "I don't think we should let those two play together anymore." Bree says "Uh-uh." Sebastian says "Nope" McKayla says.

"Hey, Chase, on the next mission, do you think I might actually be able to do something?" Sebastian asks "Well, you did get to do something. You watched me be an amazing mission leader. Most people would pay to see that." Chase smiles "And then demand a refund." Bree mocks.

"I'm just saying, the whole purpose for me going on the mission was to get some hands-on training." Sebastian says "And you did. You handed me my flashlight and my lip balm. Thank you!" Chase says "He uses lip balm?" McKayla thinks running her tongue over her bottom lip.

"But I'm the best student here! I've been acing all of my training exercises. Without practice how am I ever gonna be mission leader?" Sebastian says "Oh, that's just it, you won't. 'Cause I'm mission leader." Chase says.

"Yeah, dude, you can't be mission leader, too, because then I would have to make fun of both of you, and there just aren't enough hours in the day. I need some me-time." Adam says putting his hand on both of their shoulders.

"Hey, Chase, stop being such a control freak, okay? Sebastian seems perfectly capable." Bree says "Yeah. You're kind of interfering with his training and that's definitely it's not something a mentor would do" McKayla says.

"Oh, thanks.Finally defending myself I see" Sebastian smirks, McKayla smiles shyly "Yeah, maybe" McKayla says, Sebastian moves a little closer to herm "Okay, our next mission: stopping that." Chase says annoyed.

"They've been really close lately...it doesn't seem like a good thing to me" Chase thinks.

"Hey, look! I'm riding an angry catfish!" Bob shouts from outside, Adam looks out of the window "Whoa, look at him go!" Adam laughs "Yeah, that is not a catfish." Adam says.

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