♬ 12 - Spy Fly

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The main school hallway.

Leo is tormenting Bree with an electronic fly all day.

"Would you cut it out?! I cannot believe you brought Davenport's fly to school. Now I have two little pests following me around." Bree says irritated "How could I not? He's my... wing man." Leo smiles holding the fly.

Adam and Chase walk up to them, Chase has a plastic doll in a baby carrier on his chest "Hey, guys." Chase smiles, Leo tilts his head with a smile.

"Chase, have you been stealing from five-year-old girls again?" Leo says, Chase glares at him "Ha-ha. It's for health class. Each of us has to baby-sit a robo-baby for a night." Chase says.

The doll starts crying "Are you hungry? Yes, you are, my snoogie-woogie-boogie!" Chase says in baby talk and sits on the bench in the middle of the hallway "Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier." Bree says sarcastically.

"It cries when it's tired or hungry. I have to take care of him, because if I don't, I lose a point. Which, of course, I haven't." Chase reveals a scoreboard of 100 points on the back of the doll.

"And I won't, because I have downloaded every childcare book available. I even know how to rescue a baby out of an alligator's mouth." Chase says as he puts a toy bottle in the doll's mouth, everyone frowns at him "Happens more often than you think." Chase says.

McKayla approaches them also holding a doll but her doll has a bow on its head.

"Hey guys!" McKayla says "Oh do you have a baby too?" Leo says "Yeah not only do I, but this impeccable score is my ticket to the annual dance parade in New York!" McKayla says excitedly showing the scoreboard whit 100 points.

"My parents said if I get A's in this class they'll let me go to the parade this year, and all I have to do is take care of this adorable piece of plastic." McKayla says.

"Why did you put a bow on the doll's head?" Chase asks "Because she's a lovely little girl, Chase!" McKayla says annoyed "I see. Just like her mom" Chase smirked, McKayla smiled sarcastically at him.

Bree turns to Adam "So, where's your baby? Lost it already?" Bree asks "Ha ha. No. Do you really think I'm that irresponsible?" Adam holds up book bag, with only the doll's legs sticking out "It's in here. I named him "Shut Your Cryhole." That way, whenever I say his name, he'll know to stop crying." Adam says.

"I feel so sorry for his future children" McKayla says sitting next to Chase, patting her doll on the back, Chase agrees.

"You keep your baby in a bag? Leo ask 'Yeah! It's super-toasty, books to read if he's bored, and it's totally safe" Adam takes the doll out of his bag, and its shown to be covered in gum, pencils, and other random junk.

"Oh! You found my gum!" Adam puts the gum in his mouth, everyone makes a disgusted face, Adam takes the gum out of his mouth "And a penny!" Adam smiles.

Chase and McKayla stand up "Dude, you are totally gonna fail this assignment." Chase says "No, I'm not, because unlike you, I know what a baby likes. I think like a baby." Adam says proudly, Bree approaches "Yeah, he's got you there." Bree says.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if you're such an expert on babies, why don't we just let the scores speak for themselves?" Chase says as he adjusts his doll in he baby carrier on his chest, McKayla scoffs "Are you guys really going to make this a competition?" McKayla asks.

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