♬ 33 - Scramble the Orbs

364 22 95

At Tech Town.

McKayla is talking whit a customer while Bree and Chase are at a counter on the other side of the store.

Scoot walks up to them "Well, if it isn't my employee of the week.." Scott points at Chase "and my weak employee." Scoot points to Bree and  laughs.

"Good one, Scott. It's funny because she's bad at her job. Ha!" Chase laughs, Bree glares at him "Yeah, well, I mean, I'd be better at it but I have things that get in the way like friends and a life." Bree says to Chase sarcastically as Scoot goes to the other side of the store.

"I have a life..." Chase scoffs and looks away to McKayla on the other side of the store "You may not be aware but my life is great..." Chase tells Bree but he slowly loses himself in the conversation.

"... It's beautiful and smart and affectionate, very affectionate so much that sometimes I feel like...I just want...oh I would..." Chase says clearly lost on the subject looking at McKayla breathing heavily and Bree frowns at him.

Chase clears his throat "I-I have a life!" He returns to the subject "Are you okay? You've been acting weird" Bree says Chase chuckles "I've never felt so good...i mean, Never been better" Chase says nervously.

Bree frowns again, Chase has been feeling weird since what happened between him and McKayla a few days ago, since her teasing, and others things she's done, Chase has been haunted by thoughts. Thoughts that he doesn't consider appropriate to even say out loud, he doesn't want to think these things but it's stronger than him.

He doesn't know how to control these thoughts, which scares him, but when he remembers that moment again, the desire to relive those feelings consumes him.

It's not something he's proud of and It's also not something he wants to feel, their day to day life doesn't allow him to feel it because he knows he can't do anything about it, especially that Scoot still wants them to stay away from each other at work 

Scoot brings all employees together "Listen up, guys. It's time for Tech Town's annual design-your-own-app contest!" Scoot says.

"Does the fun ever end around here?" Bree says sarcastically "Yeah, usually when you show up." Scott laughs and Chase tries to copy his laugh, McKayla frowns "Don't do my laugh." Scoot says "Can you be more of a kiss ass?" McKayla says "Is it that obvious?" Chase says "It's ridiculously obvious" McKayla says, Chase shrugs

"All entrants have 24 hours to upload their app to our website. Whoever has the most downloads by Friday wins a $500 gift card." Scoot takes the card out of his sock "And apply yourselves this year, I am so sick of winning." Scoot says.

"Don't you think it's unfair to compete against your employees?" McKayla says "Don't you think it's unfair to keep getting paid when all you do is judge me?" Scoot says, McKayla rolls her eyes.

"Don't you worry, Scott. I'm definitely going to app-ply myself!" Chase smiles determinedly "Uh, no more tech puns. A lady complained to corporate." Scoot says, Bree chuckles "That was me." Bree says "No one will miss It" McKayla says.

"Chase, no offense, but you're clearly out of your league. You're never gonna outshine the master." Scoot says confidently "The master? You clearly have no idea who you're dealing with." Chase says smugly "Oh no he hasn't" McKayla says.

"He's dealing with the smartest guy in the world in an design app contest. Oh Scoot it was nice meeting you, but you're Young down" she thinks and smirks.

"Ah, how could you turn on me like this? I was your idol." Scoot gasps "Yeah. Well, now you're my competition." Chase says "I like his competitive side" McKayla says softly "No discussion, you're the one" Bree says patting her on the shoulder frustrated.

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