♬ 22 - Perry 2.0

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In the school hallway.

McKayla is in her locker while Chase and Leo are on the other side of the hall.

Chase watches her while Leo says something to him, he looks at her as if she were the only thing that existed in the world. Leo notices Chase's distraction and hits him on the back of the head.

"Owch! Leo!" Chase puts his hand on the back of his head "I'm sorry, I wanted to make sure I wasn't talking to a wall" Leo says irritated, Chase glares at him.

Leo looks in McKayla's direction "Dude, you're so down for her that i can listen to the song "I Want to Know What Love Is" playing in the background every time you look at her" Leo says, Chase adjusts his book bag on his shoulder and looks down shyly.

"It's not like that" Chase says "Uh, yes it is! Why are you standing here staring at her like a creepy when you can just go talk to her?" Leo says, Chase shrugs "I talk to her all the time" Chase says.

"Don't act like a fool Smarty pants, you know what kind of conversation I'm talking about. Why don't you flirt with her?" Leo suggests, Chase frowns slightly, he chuckles nervously "F-flirt whit her, what? No... it's just... Okay, how do I do that?" Chase asks slightly desperate.

Leo raises his eyebrow and smile "start by not looking so desperate" Leo says, Chase lowers his tense shoulders and nods "Okay, I can do this" Chase says "Girls like a confident guy, but not too confident, just try not to get too nervous" Leo says.

Chase sighs "What do I tell her?" Chase asks "Compliment her, be honest, tell her what you like about her" Leo says "there are so many things" Chase smiles looking at her "Great, start with just one, you'll flirt with her, not recite a poem to her" Leo says.

"A poem isn't a bad idea tho" Chase says "I agree. It's not bad, it's a
terrible idea" Leo says, Chase galres at him "Lay on the complements, Try to sound casual, talk to her and in the middle of the conversation say something that will make her think about you for the next few hours until she wants to see you again" Leo says.

Chase scoffs "How come you suddenly know so much about flirting with girls?" Chase says "Let's just say that knowing and putting it into practice are very different things, Chase" Leo says frustrated, Chase shakes his head "I don't know, Leo" Chase says with uncertainty "Dude, you already know she's into you, I think you only benefit from this" Leo shrugs.

Perry walks in, speaking into a microphone "Morning, germ sacks. I know that you've all been complaining that the technology around here isn't quite" Perry's microphone feedback "isn't quite" Perry hits the microphone, a high pitched feedback is heard and the students cover their ears.

"State of the art." Perry chuckles "So, thanks to your truly, we're getting cutting-edge equipment for the whole school to enjoy. Jojo! Betty! Let's go, ladies. Wheel is like it's hot" Perry says, the lunch ladies wheel out an old-fashioned TV.

McKayla approaches Chase and Leo to see what's going on "Behold! Mission Creek High's brand new media center!" Perry says "I don't think you can call it technology if you have to change the channel with pliers." Leo says.

"I suggest you return this to the museum you stole it from" McKayla says "Why do I smell formaldehyde?" Chase asks "Cause I found it on the curb outside the morgue. I'm getting all my Christmas presents there, too. Aunt Dotty's gettin' sheets!" Perry says

Chase take a step forward "How is this thing new?" Chase asks "It's new to you, lady-face." Perry says, Chase frowns, "By chance your next purchase is going to be a typewriter, I'm tired of drawing my homework on cave walls with charcoal" McKayla says sarcastically "Shut it, manly-face!" Perry says irritated and leaves, McKayla rolls her eyes.

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