♬ 41 - You Posted What? (Part 1)

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Adam, Bree and Chase are on a mission fixing a gas leak in a pipe.

"Guys, the rupture's getting worse." Bree says "That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak or it'll explode. Go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." Chase says "On it." Bree super speeds away.

"Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." Chase analyzes the pipe while Adam leans on it "You ever wondered what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's, like, the first thing you'd do?" Adam says reflectively.

"Not get trapped in these stupid conversations?" Chase says sarcastically "You know what I'd do if I wasn't bionic? Try and become bionic." Adam says.

"Can we just do this?" Chase says "Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision." Adam says "Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas." Chase says sarcastically.

"I just said that. Were you not listening?" Adam shakes his head "Just let me contain it with my force field first." Chase uses his force field to contain the leak "All right, it's only gonna hold for a few seconds. Go" Chase says.

Adam uses his heat vision 'Pipe secure." Adam says, Bree super speeds back "Checked all 200 miles...70 of which had poison oak" Bree pulls poison oak branch out of her hair.

"All right, let's get out of here." Chase says "All right, grab on." Bree says, Chase presses his lips together "Actually, I'm going to take the bus." Chase says "Me too." Adam says after thinking for a few seconds, Bree glares at them.

Adam and Chase run out, Bree super speeds away, After they left and a girl comes out of the bush after recording them this whole time, she smiles proudly, ending the recording.

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Next day, In the main hallway.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo walk in, Noticing everyone staring at their phones in amazement, McKayla calmly approaches them whit Perry.

"What's everybody lookin' at?" Bree asks "Macky what's going on?" Chase like this "So...There's this new viral video, "The World's First Bionic Humans"." McKayla says hesitantly.

"What?!" Bree and Chase say "Wait, there are other bionic people? Then why are we working so hard?" Adam says "She's talking about us." Chase says.

McKayla signals Perry to show them the video "Yeah, look." Perry plays the video for them "That's yesterday's mission." Chase says "Somebody filmed us." Bree says.

"Your secret's out. Everybody's gonna know you're bionic." Leo says "I'm sorry guys" McKayla says "Never mind that. Now I can't blackmail Daddy Big Bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!" Perry complains, McKayla rolls her eyes.

"Can't you have at least a little empathy?" McKayla says "If you pay for it!" Perry shrugs, McKayla shakes her head.

"Everyone's looking at us." Bree says "Quit your staring. Scram! So they're bionic. Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles." Perry threatens the students.

"How could this happen? What are we gonna do?" Bree says "I don't know. We're in big trouble." Chase says "I wish I could do something" McKayla thinks.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now