♬ 4 - Leo's Jam

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McKayla and Chase are in Physics class.

Chase always chooses a seat at the front of the class while McKayla chooses one at the back.

The teacher had just given an exercise to the class and everyone was solving the exercises concentratedly, physics is certainly not something McKayla is good at.

So much so that she can barely concentrate on reading the statement, McKayla tries to concentrate and looks at the clock in the room, which is right in front of Chase's desk.

Her eyes quickly turn to Chase, he solves the exercises correctly, he seems to be having fun with it, McKayla leans on her desk and starts to watch him.

Chase mumbles his reasoning to himself and reads the statements out loud, McKayla gives a slight smile paying attention to the way he bites his pen as he thinks.

Also the way his hair was perfectly combed, his defined jawline, the plaid shirt he wears that highlights his skin tone, the way he taps his feet on the floor while reading.

As she watches him she thinks about how he makes her feel, but lately his vibe has brought her a lightness, an inexplicable comfort, it makes her want to get closer to him.

There's no logical reason that she can explain in words for this, it's just the feeling.

After a while Chase feels her gaze and looks back, but she doesn't look away immediately, she maintains eye contact for a second and looks at the notebook on her desk.

Chase looks at her for a while longer trying to understand why she would be looking at him like that, McKayla looks at him from the corner of her eye feeling his gaze and he immediately looks away.

Chase blushes, staring at the blackboard in front of him, his heart races for a moment, he doesn't understand what just happened, because apparently nothing happened.

He looks at the table and around his table to check if there's any garlic that might have caught her attention, but he doesn't see anything and just wonders.

McKayla doesn't hold back a smile when she notices the way Chase looks disconcerted by her gaze.

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in the main school hallway

Leo goes to Chase and Adam.

"Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out" Leo smiles confidently.

"Oh, great. Do you know a guy who can teach us?" Adam says and Chase laughs "Me! You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams: Danielle" Leo turns to a girl sitting on the bench in the middle of the hallway.

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" Chase ask "Where else is she supposed to put her feet... on the floor?! Open your notebooks, boys, 'cause class is in session" Leo walks over to Danielle.

Leo puts his foot on the bench she's sitting on "Hello, Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice" As she said this, Leo climbs onto the bench and sits next to her "I'm Leo Dooley" Leo says.

"Didn't you send me 87 e-mails?" Danielle ask "Yeah... That was a slow day" Leo says "Okay, well, see you later, Lenny" Danielle gets up and leaves "It's Leo, by the way" Leo says frustrated and waves at her.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now