♬ 18 - Trucked Out

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In the living room of the Davenport mansion.

Bree is reading a review and Chase is playing a handheld video game on the couch when Leo approaches.

"I cannot believe Adam's not back from his driving test. What's taking him so long?" Leo says "Two words: Adam. Test." Bree says "Man, if he passes, it's good news for us and bad news for everyone on the road." Chase chuckles "Or the sidewalk." Chase says.

"Well, he has to pass. I need him to drive me to that party on Saturday." Leo says "What party?" Chase asks, Leo chuckles "The one you weren't invited to." Leo says seriously.

Bree straightens up on the couch "You got invited to Caroline Davis' party and I didn't?" Bree says "Neither did I!" Chase says 'Well, no surprise there." Bree tells him.

"What are you talking about, I'm the guy the most popular girl in school has a crush on. Today we shared a cup of juice!" Chase giggles "Wait, are you talking about the cup of apple juice that she bought by mistake and gave to you?" Leo says "yeah, but she tried it before and we used the same straw so there was an exchange!" Chase says.

Bree rolls her eyes "But why were you invited?" Bree asks Leo "Oh, Bree, I'm climbing the social ladder. There are now three or four ladies who make eye contact with me in the hallway." Leo says convinced "But do you use the same straw?...I don't think so!" Chase brags "Well, but I'm still the one going to the party." Leo says.

The door opens, Bree, Chase and Leo get up anxiously "He's home!" Bree says Tasha enters, and they all groan.

"It's just you." Leo says disappointed "Nice to see you, too." Tasha says sarcastically "Sorry, mom. How's it going?" Leo tries to be nice "Great. I've had the best day. It all started when I went to...""Save it for later, woman! Adam's here!" Leo stops Tasha when they hear Mr Davenport open the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mission Creek's newest fully licensed driver!" Mr Davenport introduces Adam but he doesn't enter "Adam, that's you." Mr Davenport says "Oh, right." Adam walks in "Woo-hoo, I passed!" Adam celebrates.

Everyone celebrates with him "He really impressed me. He got a 96 on the test." Mr Davenport says "I didn't even know scores went up that high!" Adam chuckles.

"Oh, and get this, Mr. Davenport said if I passed, he'd buy me a car." Adam celebrates "What?!" Tasha says "Well, in my defense, I never thought he would pass." Mr Davenport says trying to be discreet.

"Yeah, none of us did." Bree says "Preachin' to the choir, people." Adam says.

"Donald, are you sure he's ready for a car? You remember what happened when you bought him a bike?" Tasha says.


Adam enters the house with a completely wrecked bike

Tasha and Mr Davenport look at him confused from the sofa "The bell still works." Adam dings the bell.

Tasha and Mr Davenport exchange worried looks.


"Um... to be fair, honey, Adam is a lot more responsible now. He worked very hard to get his driver's license, and I think he should be rewarded." Mr Davenport says

Adam imitates driving noises, brakes screeching, explosion sitting in an armchair in the living room.

Tasha look at him worried "I don't know." Tasha says "Don't worry, I promise I will get Adam the safest car available." Mr Davenport says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now