♬ 56 - Left Behind

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In the cafe in front of the training area.

Chase walks in with a jar full of protein bars "Here you go, guys. Protein recovery bars." Chase hands Bob a bar "Ugh! Again?" Bob complains "Yes, again. Would you like to complain more about the free food, Bob?" Chase says annoyed.

"Mr. Davenport made them to maximize our workouts. They have everything the body needs." Chase says "Yeah, to make you puke. I'm gonna hold out until the 3 o'clock peanuts." Spin returns the bar to Chase.

"Luckily for me, I'm bionic, so I don't have a gag reflex." Adam says "We're all bionic, and yes, you do." Bree says, Adam fills his mouth with bars "No, I don't." Adam gags "Ooh! Yes, I do." Adam says as Bree and Chase look at him disgusted.

Leo walks in holding a box "Ooh. What's that?" Spin ask "Oh, this? It's just a little care package my mom sent out for all of us. Oh, wait." Leo rotates the box showing the note "just for Leo" on it "Nope, it's just for me." Leo says.

A loud squirting sound is heard and everyone looks over at Bob "Oh, it's uh, easier for me to swallow if I pretend it's a hamburger." Bob says putting ketchup on his protein bar "Which is tough, because I don't even know what a hamburger is." Bob eats It.

Bree walks up to him "Wait, you've never had a hamburger? That's so sad!" Bree says whit pity "You wanna cheer me up by giving me a hug?" Bob opens his arms "That's so sad!" Bree says.

Bree goes to Adam and Chase "Guys, these kids have no social skills because they've been completely isolated from the real world. They have no idea what it's like to be normal." Bree says.

"Ah, yes. I remember your first days out of the lab. So young, so naïve. You needed a strong hand to guide you." Leo says nostalgic "Yeah. But all we got was you." Bree put your hand on his shoulder.

"These kids deserve a taste of the real world." Bree says "Well, I just got some food from the real world. You guys are welcome to... wait, nope. No, it's just for me." Leo says holding a jar of peanut butter, Spin uses his rapid gyration ability to steal Leo's jar of peanut butter.

"What was that?" Leo asks, Spin is shown with peanut butter on his face "No idea." Spin chuckles, Bob drags his protein bar across Spin's peanut butter face and eats it "Mm. Better." Bob says everyone frowns at him.

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In the common area.

Adam, Bree and Chase walk up to Donald "Hey, Mr. Davenport. We've been talking, and we wanna take the students on a field trip." Chase says.

"Great! Where do you wanna take 'em? Uh, living quarters? The kitchen? That rock on the other side of the island?" Donald says sarcastically "Come on, you know what we mean." Bree says.

Donald sighs "Forget it. They're not ready to socialize with the general population yet." Donald says "Well, yeah, but neither is Adam, and we still let him out of his cage." Chase says "Stop talking about me like I'm an animal....Hey, I'm hungry. Is it almost feeding time?" Adam says.

"Wait, but what is the big deal? It's not like these kids are a secret. The whole world knows they exist." Bree says "Look, I told the president we would turn them into the next generation of bionic heroes. We can't take any chances until their training is complete." Donald says.

"But shouldn't their training include real-world experiences? I mean, if you hadn't let us go to Mission Creek High, we'd still be clueless shut-ins." Chase says "Look at us now, living isolated on a remote island, we've come so far." Adam says holding Bree's arms.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now