♬ 47 - Merry Glitchmas

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In the Davenports' living room.

Donald walks in "Ho, ho, ho! Santa's here!" Donald says holding bags "I'm not sitting on your lap. Just hand out the gifts." Leo says sarcastically.

"Presenting this holiday seasons hottest new action figures! Adam, Bree and Chase!" Donald holds up action figures of the trio "Wow!" Bree says "Cool!" Chase says "Toys!!!" Adam says, each one getting their own action figure.

"They're so cute!" Tasha laughs gently "Yeah. Now that the world knows and loves you guys, a toy company was eager to put one of these in every kid's stocking. for a small licensing fee." Donald points at himself.

"Ahem! Didn't they forget a certain someone? I'm just saying, this face would look dashing in molded plastic. It appeals to children of all ages." Leo smiles.

"Leo, we agreed to keep your bionic arm a secret. Besides this is about Adam, Bree and Chase....And me!" Donald pulls out Donald action figure, everyone looks at him judging him.

"What? It comes free with the set." Donald says "Right, because no one would actually pay for you." Bree smirk.

"Look, Chase, yours is life-sized!" Adam compares Chase to his action figure"Oh, and look! Adam's head is hollow" Chase hits the action figure in the head "just like the real thing!" Chase smiles "It's not hollow. It's filled with potential." Adam snatches the toy.

"Wait, potential? More like air." Bree says "What? What does that even mean?" Adam says annoyed, Adam, Bree and Chase start to argue. Tasha walks up to them.

"Guys, it's Christmas. This is a time to think about others, not yourselves. Which is why famed TV reporter Tasha Davenport is hosting a charitable toy drive at school." Tasha says, everyone looks at her judging her "Oh, it can be a little about me." Tasha says.

"Of course it can, honey!" Donald kisses her "Now that that little self-involved side-trip is over, check it out! Your action figures are now second place on the holiday gift best-seller list." Donald says showing the list on his cell phone.

"Second place? What's first?" Chase asks "Uh, a toy called "The Nerble"?" Donald says "The heck is a Nerble?" Chase looks at Donald's phone "That? That's just a furry orange ball!" Chase says

"Yeah, who would buy that stupid thing?" Bree says, Adam plays with a Nerble, mumbling 'Nerble' while shaking it. He receives reproachful looks.

"What? It has fur and rubber. What else do you need in life?" Adam says, Chase and Bree roll their eyes.

"Ooh, Donald. I bet the kids at the charity drive would love some of your old toys" Tasha says "Tasha, they're not toys, they're scientific invent..." Tasha starts to walk away "No! No! No, no! Stay away from my toys!" Donald and Tasha leave the room.

Chase sighs "The only reason the Nerble is outselling us is because our action figures don't have any cool features." Chase says "But a furry rubber ball with one eye does?" Bree questions "You see? She gets it." Adam says.

"Hey, you know what will make your toys number one? Drop a little dab of Dooley in that fun pack." Leo smiles "Or... we can make better prototypes and get the toy company to sell them. Then we'll be number one instead of the Nerble." Chase says.

"You guys are ridiculous. Who cares if some little toy is beating us?" Bree says "I do! We're heroes. We should be number one. I don't see any furry rubber balls saving the world." Chase says.

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