♬ 13 - Missin' the Mission

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In the lab.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and Donald run in cheering "Great work. Flawless execution. Now that is how you lead a mission." Mr Davenport says proudly

"Why, thank you." Chase says "I was talking about me." Mr Davenport says, Chase makes an awkward face "But every Olympic podium needs a bronze and a silver, so." Mr Davenport says

"Whoo-hoo! I medaled!" Adam accidentally sends Donald flying across the room with his super strength. Mr Davenport looks at them "Don't look at us. You're the one that gave super strength to a box of rocks." Bree says.

Leo walks in and steps over Donald "Hey, guys. How'd the mission go?" Leo asks "Great. We fixed the Pentagon's communication satellite and returned it to orbit." Bree says.

"I even rigged it so we get every TV channel in the world! Who wants to watch Guatemalan drag racing?!" Chase says excitedly "Did my suggestions come in handy on the mission?" Leo asks "What suggestions?" Chase asks

"I did a ton of strategic research and gave it to Big D." Leo says "Oh, right. I'm sorry, Leo. I didn't have time to use it." Mr Davenport says "Yes, you did. You spilled your coffee and used Leo's research to mop it up." Adam says

"You used my suggestions as a sponge?" Leo says indignantly "More like a paper towel. But it was very absorbent. Why don't you guys go clear out the rest of your gear." Mr Davenport says, Adam, Bree, and Chase leave.

They go to where their equipment is, Chase before anything else picks up the phone and starts answering messages.

"Who are you talking to?" Bree asks "McKayla" Chase says "You guys have been talking a lot lately huh?" Bree smirk.

Chase frowns at her "Well, yes she and I have a lot of things in common" Chase says "oh yeah?" Adam questions "Yes!" Chase says irritated.

"No offense Chase, but the napkin girl is too cool to have anything in common with you" Adam chuckles "Well, for your information, she and I like the same books, the same movies, and we like classical music, she's a girl with refined and up-to-date taste just like me" Chase says proudly.

Bree smiles as she adjusts her equipment, she knows how much McKayla likes Chase and realizing that Chase is starting to reciprocate McKayla's feelings makes Bree proud of her brother.

"Okay Chase, now you're making McKayla look less cool, You better stop" Adam says, Chase rolls his eyes and a notification rings on his cell phone, Chase leaves to respond the message.

Bree and Adam look at each other "Chase has been acting weird lately, hasn't he?" Adam says "on the contrary, I think he's finally starting to act like a normal guy" Bree chuckles and leaves.

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In the main school hallway.

Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo and McKayla walk down the stairs, laughing.

Perry speaks through megaphone "Not so fast!" Perry says, they all groan.

"You three missed school yesterday...not that I didn't enjoy it." Perry chuckles "But it's been happening way too much lately. Look at this attendance report." Perry shows the attendance report on a clipboard.

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