♬ 34 - Principal from Another Planet

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At the dance academy.

McKayla and Paige took a break after dance rehearsal and are sitting on the living room floor talking.

"Okay, tell me" Paige smirk "what?" McKayla says "What happened to you today huh? You forgot the steps, and when you got here you seemed stunned by something" Paige says.

In that day, McKayla had gone to the dance academy for an extra rehearsal for a performance, before that she was at Tech Town whit Chase, and she had a moment with him that couldn't get out of her head, a feeling that left her frustrated and stunned.

"I don't know, I just..." McKayla says, Paige holds back her smile "Was it Chase?" Paige asks, McKayla sighs "Ahg! I knew it, you guys kissed?" Paige says "No!" McKayla says.

"Damn, you're testing my patience" Paige says, McKayla rolls her eyes "It's just that today he. look...it's going to seem like bullshit..." McKayla says "nothing is bullshit to me Mack" Paige says.

"yeah right, last week I kind of teased him..." McKayla explains.

"How?" Paige asks "I kissed his neck and it was nice" McKayla says hesitantly "Woah! Look at you, how did he react?" Paige says "I think I made him too nervous" McKayla laughs.

"How nervous?" Paige frowns, McKayla shrugs "He just, I don't know he barely looked at me after that" McKayla says thoughtfully.

Paige smirk "You didn't notice anything else, did you?" Paige asks as she points to her lap, McKayla frowns "how should I know he was holding a box over...Oooh!" McKayla's eyes widen.

Paige laughs, she makes an incredulous face "McKayla! You made him get hard?!" Paige says "Sshh!" McKayla blushes, she looks around, hearing this made her feel dirty "Wait!" Paige approaches McKayla.

McKayla looks at her embarrassed "Ooh that's what happened to you today" Paige smirk, McKayla looks at Paige scared.

"Hey calm down, it's normal. Don't be afraid of it, tell me what he did?" Paige asks "Uh he just tucked my shirt in because it's a store rule" McKayla says confused.

Paige can't help but smile happily and mischievously "Wow I'm loving this, how do you feel?" Paige says, McKayla is too naive, Paige wants her to be more open, that's why she challenges her explore her own feelings, whatever they may be.

"Paige!" McKayla says "Oh come on, you wanted him to, like..." Paige makes a gesture, she quickly opens her legs and points, McKayla holds her hand. Her face is completely flushed "Stop!" McKayla says.

Paige laughs, McKayla looks around and starts laughing "Stop you're disgusting!" McKayla says "And you got horny" Paige says softly.

McKayla whimpers "Yes, and it was frustrating. He's evil!" She thinks, Paige smirk, McKayla already regretted having said that to her, she didn't imagine the conversation would take this turn, but it's also Paige so.

McKayla widens her eyes and hides her face "You two, You are vreery needy, and sooo needy of each other" Paige says, McKayla puts her hands on her face.

"Stop it McKayla I know you liked it" Paige says "shut up, it was embarrassing" McKayla says, shaking her head "Oh Darling, if you guys are so horny for each other like that it will happen a lot more often" Paige smirk.

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