♬ 68 - Bionic Action Hero (Part 1)

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In the common area.

Douglas enters excitedly "Guess who I just got off the phone with?" Douglas points at his cellphone "Giselle Vickers." Douglas says.

"No way!" McKayla says "The big Hollywood filmmaker?" Bree asks "She is legendary!" Leo says "Wait, who?" Luke says "Giselle Vickers. She made all the killer zombie trucker movies. Because of her, I can't pee at a truck stop." Leo says.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't watch that crap, let me know when Nolan or Spielberg are coming" Luke adjusts his glasses on his face and returns to the book he was reading, Leo gasps and Chase chuckles "Finally someone who understands cinema around here" Chase thinks.

"Well, get this. Her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic Action Hero." Douglas says "Awesome! What's it about?" Adam asks "Really?” McKayla frowns "A bionic action hero." Douglas says "Huh. Save your money. Sounds like a flop." Adam says "Indeed" Luke says without taking his eyes off the book.

Bree throughout that time didn't stop staring at the boy "Did you miss something on my cousin's face or...?" McKayla mocks, Bree looks away and blushes.

"I don't know, did you happen to miss something in my brother's mouth?" Bree asks, McKayla crosses her arms and blushes intensely "Uh...My arguments apparently" McKayla says, Bree smirks.

Bree sighs, she has had this crush on Luke since she met him, and she has thought about their kiss often but she doesn't see a future in that since Luke is very independent and focused on himself. He doesn't aim to date anyone so Bree respects that and tries to ignore any feelings for him.

"And the best part, it's based on you guys." Douglas says "Whoa, whoa, whoa! The same person who makes those lame zombie movies are going to make our movie?" Chase scoffs "No way!" Chase says "Must you ruin everything?!" Leo says angryly.

"I agree with him" Luke says "And you're in line too Grumpy!" Leo says "It's not the first time someone has called me that. Unfortunately I think this would be a strong trait of my personality, just accept it" Luke shrugs.

"Relax, Chase. Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers. We even dated a bit." Douglas smiles "Wow I didn't know Douglas once had a girlfriend. Oh but look how cute he is, obviously he already had a girlfriend" McKayla thinks.

"What happened?" Bree asks "Sometimes people grow apart." Douglas says "She dumped you didn't she?" Bree says "Worst day of my life! And I've been to prison four times!" Douglas says tearfully.

"Aw poor thing, I'm sure she really regrets that, like totally" McKayla smiles at him, Chase frowns "Sometimes I get the slightest impression that Macky has a lil crush on Douglas, but I think it's just me being paranoid" Chase thinks.

"Anyways, she wants the film to portray bionics accurately, so she's coming over here to research with the actor that's playing you guys." Douglas says "I think you mean actors." Chase says.

"No. In the film, there aren't three bionic superhumans. To simplify it there's just one with all your abilities." Douglas says "That sounds like an excuse for laziness to me" McKayla says "I completely agree" Luke says.

"So who's the actor?" Bree asks "Oh, I bet it's Dame Judi Dench." Adam imitates her with a bad British accent "Look at me, I'm bionic!"

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