♬ 61 - The Trip

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In Brooke and Mason's quarters.

Brooke and McKayla were having breakfast and Brooke invited Chase to join them.

McKayla was enjoying a pancake with blueberries and Chase steals one of the blueberries on her plate, McKayla hits his arm.

"Don't touch my food!" McKayla says "Oh How scary she is" Chase whispers sarcastically "Silly" McKayla giggles, Chase smirk "Learn to share food, baby" Chase says "learn that stealing a woman's food is very dangerous cutie" McKayla says laughing, Chase chuckles blushing.

Brooke smiles discreetly, pretending not to pay attention so as not to embarrass the young couple.

Mason walks in "News, Family!!...and boy" Mason says holding a cell phone, Chase rolls his eyes.

"I was on the phone with your dad Book, and he invited us to spend the weekend at his beach house" Mason says excitedly "Woah really?" Brooke stands up "Yeah! He invited the whole family, us Trent, my mom and Luke" Mason says.

"Wait Cousin Luke is going to be there?" McKayla says excitedly "Yes, since he's spending his summer vacation with your grandma, they go along" Mason says "Cool!!" McKayla says.

"Who is Luke?" Chase asks "He's my cousin, and he and I practically grew up together until he moved away in high school" McKayla says, Chase smirks "Oh you would love him!" Brooke smiles "So far I haven't had a good relationship with any man in this family, so I hope it's true." Chase thinks.

"Oh do you want to come with us?" McKayla smiles wildly asking Chase "Uh..." Chase looks away at Mason "Come on, it'll be cool! We always talk about going to the beach!" McKayla says "when?" Chase asks.

"When we were at school and you said that you loved the coconut water they served in the cafeteria, but I told you that it wasn't real coconut water and that one day I would take you to the beach you will drink real coconut water" McKayla says, Chase makes an impressed face "That was two years ago" Chase says.

"Well but the promise is still valid" McKayla says "Woah! Does she still remember that? I didn't remember that and I remember everything" Chase thinks.

McKayla turns to Mason "Dad, can Chase come with us?" McKayla asks "Why would he come with us?" Mason asks "Uh I don't know maybe because he's my boyfriend?" McKayla says, Chase can't contain his smile, he still hasn't gotten used to him being called boyfriend by McKayla "It sounds so good coming from her" he thinks.

"Yeah yeah, Big deal" Mason says "It's okay Macky, I have classes at the academy to teach anyway" Chase says "Masonz they are at the beginning of their relationship, we shouldn't separate them over a weekend" Brooke says.

"We don't have room in the car for one more" Mason says "If we take off your surf gear we might have more room in the car" McKayla suggests, Mason gasps "No way I'm giving up my surf gear!" Mason says, Brooke rolls her eyes.

"Honey, you haven't surfed in like 20 years" Brooke says "It's never too late to get back on the waves" Mason says "Dad!" McKayla says, Chase watches them in silence.

Mason sighs "Okay, Fine. You're more than welcome kid" Mason says "Yes!" McKayla celebrates "Wow, I appreciate the invitation you were forced to make sir" Chase says "You're welcome" Mason says.

"Start packing we leave tomorrow morning" Mason says, McKayla turns to Chase "Aaahh it's going to be so fun, our first trip together!!" McKayla says excitedly.

Chase chuckles nervously "No offense Macky, but don't you think it's a little early for that?" Chase asks "Why do you say that?" McKayla says "Because we've only been dating for two weeks. A trip with your girlfriend's family is something you do after a few months of dating... many months" Chase says nervously.

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