♬ 49 - Rise of the secret soldiers (Part 2)

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Donald and Leo enter the lab through the elevator.

"Donny, get in here, quick!" Douglas points to video chat whit the president "Mr. President." Donald says.

"He said he'd only talk to you. Apparently, I'm just the help!" Douglas says "Thank you, Douglas, that'll be all." Leo says, Douglas walks away.

"Davenport, a high-security military base was breached, and communications equipment was stolen." The President says "I'm sorry to here that, sir. Do you need some of my tracking technology?" Donald asks "No, I need Adam, Bree, and Chase." The President says.

"Well, with all due respect, sir, they dissolved the team." Donald says "Look, our national safety is far more important than a squabble between besties. The Vice-President and I are going through that right now. Drama!" The President says sing-songy, Donald and Leo frown.

"Fix this, and get them back on the job." The President orders "Yes, Mr. President." Donald says.

"And if Adam, Bree, and Chase won't stop those criminals...then I will" Leo poses, President laughs "Thanks, kid. As awful as things are right now, it feels good to laugh." The President and Leo makes an offended face.

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In the living room.

Chase walks through the front door while Donald gathers the team in the living room "Hey, what's with the urgent text alert? I was out buying sunglasses for my astronomy cruise." Chase says putting bags on the floor.

"Check these out! They double as telescopes!" Chase puts on glasses with built-in telescopes "All's I'm seeing is another reason to throw you overboard." Adam says.

"The President called. There's an emergency and he needs you." Donald says "But we told him we quit." Bree says "Yeah, we don't even want to talk to each other. Why would we want to work together?" Chase says.

"Yeah! And I'm not agreeing with him, I'm just emphasizing his point." Adam says "Look, I'm getting tired of your selfish attitudes. It is your duty to complete this mission." Donald says.

"No. It was our duty. But then people started protesting against us on our own front lawn. Maybe the world needs to get a taste of what it's like without us." Chase says "Yeah! Still not agreeing with him, I just feel the exact same he does." Adam says.

They leave the room separately.

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Everyone is in the lab.

McKayla is sitting at the cyber desk in front of Chase's console, scrolling through her cell phone.

Chase discreetly diverts attention from what he's doing to her, he looks at her seriously, She doesn't notice his look because she's focused on her cell phone. Chase slowly runs his tongue under his bottom lip in thought.

"Uhg! I hate how beautiful she is, she kills me" he thinks, he sighs loudly, McKayla looks at him and he looks away to the console again.

Douglas walks in "Where's Donny?" Douglas asks "Probably out trolling the streets for a new set of bionic kids to control." Leo says sarcastically, Donald walks into the lab "I heard that!" Donald says.

"Donny, you gotta see this news footage! Those criminals the President was talking about? Busted into the Pentagon last night!" Douglas says "What? The Pentagon is the most secure facility in the world." Donald says

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