♬ 62 - Forbidden Hero

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In the common area.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo get out of the hydraloop, supporting Leo.

"Easy, easy, easy." Adam says "You know, this would be a lot easier without you saying "easy" every two seconds." Chase says annoyed"Sorry."!Adam says.

They continue taking Leo to a bank "Careful, careful, careful." Adam says, McKayla and Bob walk in.

"Oh my God, what happened?" McKayla asks "Uh-oh. Did Leo blow chunks on the hydraloop again?" Bob asks "No. We were on a mission and I hurt my ankle." Leo says.

"And then he blew chunks on the hydraloop again." Bree says "You know the drill, Bob." Adam says "Puke patrol. I'll grab the mop." Bob leaves excited "I've taught him well.

Chase approaches McKayla and students gather around the team "We were evacuating a steel mill when the roof collapsed." Chase explains "We were pinned down and Leo had to jump over an industrial grinder to save us." Bree says.

"Very important Leo" McKayla says "Thanks M.C" Leo smiles "And you, are you okay?" McKayla says putting her hand on Chase's arm "Much better now" Chase blushes slightly and gives his girlfriend a soft kiss on the cheek.

McKayla can't control a shy giggle "Come on, buddy. Let's get you to the infirmary and get that leg checked out." Chase says, Leo gets up and starts limping around the room.

"Would you quit fussing? I'm a grown man. I don't need you to baby me." Leo says, Tasha walks in "Mommy!' Leo hugs her "What a grown man huh!" McKayla says sarcastically.

"Oh, I came as soon as you texted me." Tasha says "I'm not gonna lie. This is a grade-A boo-boo." Leo says "We better get you to your room. Where is your room?" Tasha asks "Oh, the other side of the island." Chase says "I'll take you there" McKayla says.

"Still can't believe you guys got your own island. For Valentine's Day, all I got was a lousy t-shirt that said "I married Donald." Tasha says "Wait, you guys are married? I just thought you came over a lot." Adam says, everyone looks at him confused.

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In the common area.

Bree approaches the console with a tablet in hand when the hydraloop arrives, and out comes Luke with a backpack on his back and a wild smile on his face.

"Woah!" Luke adjusts his crooked glasses on his face, Bree looks at him "Woah!" Bree says to herself.

"Who is he? I think he got lost because a boy like that would never come to this end of the world by himself" Bree thinks.

Bree approaches with a gentle but shy smile "Uh, Hello! Can I help you?" Bree asks, Luke smiles "Oh yeah um, I'm looking for Chase, is he here?" Luke asks, Bree frowns.

Bree chuckles "Did you come here because of Chase?" Bree crosses her arms "Well yeah, he invited me here" Luke explains "Chase has hot friends now and I don't know about it?!" Bree thinks.

"Uh are you guys friends?" Bree asks "Yeah pretty much" Luke says suspiciously "Why does she seem surprised by that, and why is she interrogating me?" Luke thinks.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now