♬ 57 - Under Siege

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Perry and her niece, Kerry, arrive on the island via the hydraloop.

"Welcome to Perry's Paradise Resort. Don't worry about your bags. One of the robot bellhops will get them." Perry takes Kerry's suitcase out of the hydraloop "Ah, yeah, suitcase sled! Whoo-hoo!" Adam slides off on the suitcase.

"You remember my sweet niece Kerry." Perry and Kerry walks up to Bree, Chase and McKayla "No, but would your evil niece Kerry like to introduce her to us?" Bree says.

"She's staying for the weekend. Give her a room with a view. Here you go." Perry hands Chase money "This is money from a board game." Chase says "And there's plenty more where that came from." Perry smiles.

"Don't worry, I won't be a bother. You won't even know I'm here. I just wanna spend some quality time with my favorite Auntie Terry." Kerry sweetly says "Oh stop it Gremlin, we weren't born yesterday" McKayla says crossing her arms.

"Yeah You act all nice until your aunt's gone, and then you go off to trip roller skaters and sell ice packs to the injured." Chase raise his eyebrows "My sweet niece would never do that. Everyone knows the roller rink is my turf." Perry tells Kerry.

Douglas walks into the room "Dougie!" Perry grabs his arm "Kerry, I'd like you to meet your future uncle, Douglas." Perry smiles "I've heard all about you. You're the one obsessed with my aunt." Kerry greets Douglasm

"Yeah. She is a, um, handsome woman." Douglas says akwardly "Settle down, Romeo. There's kids here." Perry giggles "Ew" McKayla says "Uhg!" Chase says both with disgust.

"Come on. Help me get her room ready." Perry tells Douglas as she leaves "Yeah. Be right there." Douglas runs in the opposite direction.

"So, this is the monster who owned you two last year? What did she do, not invite you to her tea party?" Leo mocks about Kerry.

"Keep talking and I'll snap those little twigs you call arms." Kerry says aggressively "Whoa, whoa, whoa. These are bionic twigs. Well, this one is." Leo points to his bionic arm "From here down." Leo points.

"So... what's your game, Kerry? Why are you really here?" Bree asks "Gotta lay low till the heat blows over. Got sloppy on my last job back at Creek." Kerry says.

"What did you do this time?" Chase asks "Till the witness wakes up, nothing." Kerry shrugs "This girl scares me, for real!" McKayla says.

"Don't worry Snow White..." Kerry says "I can't believe Perry's nickname stuck" McKayla thinks and rolls her eyes "Just stay outta my way, and I'll stay outta yours." Kerry leaves the room.

Chase looks in his pockets for something "Hey, she took my wallet." Chase says "What?" McKayla says, Chase starts to run after her, but stops once he realizes he and McKayla are handcuffed together, they look at each other confused.

They look at their handcuffed hands "Yeah, that's not bad at all" Chase smirk, giggling inside "Ooh well, I'm not complaining about that" McKayla thinks the two look at each other again both blushing, and they look at Bree.

"Woah!.." Bree starts laughing and points realizing that her hands are handcuffed together "How?" Bree says, Leo laughs "Oh, man, she owned you guys again." Leo tries to walk and trips after realizing his feet were handcuffed together.

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In McKayla and Leo's dorm.

McKayla is in bed sleeping cuddled with a stuffed dolphin that she always cuddled up to, since when she was a child, Trent made fun of her for this, and currently this is a secret that only Leo knows since he saw her sleeping with the dolphin, which she referred to by the name Mr. Squirt.

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