♬ 5 - Smart and Smarter

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McKayla gets in line where the teacher is handing out report cards.

McKayla spots Chase in line "Hey Chase" McKayla says "Hey" Chase says looking at the front of the line anxiously.

"If you're expecting a cash prize you're in the wrong line" McKayla says "I don't need money when my impeccable grades are a reward for my future money and success" Chase smiles excitedly.

McKayla smiles "Grades don't mean all that" McKayla says, Chase tilts his head "you sound like someone who never got an A+" Chase smirk teasing her.

"Yup! And I'm great about it" McKayla says, Chase shakes his head, he doesn't understand her in this regard.

The line moves and the teacher gives Chase his report card "AAAAHH!!" Chase screams, McKayla covers her ears scared "An A-minus!!" Chase says the teacher shrugs.

"A-MINUS!!" Chase turns to McKayla "Woah You sound like someone who has never got an A-minus " McKayla smirk, Chase stares at the report scared.

"This is supposed to be the part where you say you're great about it" McKayla says, Chase glares at her.

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Adam, Bree and Leo are in the main hallway, Chase runs in, holding his own progress report.

"Look at this! An "A-minus"! I knew my Home Ec teacher had it out for me. Always criticizing my muffins" Chase says "Ha-ha! I beat you! I got a "D-plus"! "Plus" because I'm better!" Adam show his report card.

"Adam, the "plus" is... You know what? It's just not even worth it anymore" Bree says.

""D" is not a good grade, but we don't really expect you to get good grades. I'm engineered to be the smartest person on the planet, and I just got an "A-minus." I've been relegated to into the huddled, unwashed masses of minuses, like you!" Chase says.

"Chase, I know this must be hard for you, but, I mean, look at the bright side..?seeing you fall flat on your face is really fun for us!" Bree says "I have got to find a way to reclaim my superiority" Chase says.

"Well, you could sign up for the Student of the Semester competition" Leo says "What's that?" Chase ask "Every semester, kids compete to see who can best improve the school. Whoever gets the most votes wins free pencils, a bumper sticker, and a cheesy picture of himself on the wall!" Leo points to a tacky photo of a girl on the wall.

"And that cheesy picture will show everyone that my brilliance reigns supreme! I am so gonna win!" Chase says excitedly "I call your free pencils! No, wait, I'll take the cheesy picture. Oh gosh, they both sound so good!" Adam says.

the bell rings "Race ya!" Adam and Chase run out.

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In the main school hallway.

Chase is handing out his business cards to random students in the hallway

"Hey, vote for Chase. Tell your friends. Vote for Chase for Student of the Semester" Chase delivers the cards.

"Here's my website, where you can peruse my platform, marvel at my skills, or even play a game of Chase trivia, where all the answers are about me" Chase tells some random students.

McKayla is walking down the hall with headphones on "McKayla!" Chase hands her a card, McKayla takes off her headphones.

"Vote for Chase student of the semester!" Chase says, McKayla looks at the card "I don't vote for guys who get an A-minus to be student of the semester" McKayla says sarcastically.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now