♬ 17 - I'm Bionic

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In the main hallway of the school.

McKayla was walking down the hall and sees Chase in his locker, she walks up to him.

McKayla takes a deep breath "Hi Chase!" McKayla smiles gently, Chase closes the locker with his eyes wide with nervousness "Mc- McKayla hi" Chase says.

McKayla frowns, Chase's unusual nervousness was making her worried, it seems like he's hiding something, but what. Chase smiles nervously "Okay see you later" Chase tries to leave, he doesn't like his behavior either but around her he just freaks out.

"Wait!" McKayla says, Chase looks at her again and takes a deep breath"Is everything okay?" McKayla asks "Everything's...great, I'm great" Chase says.

"Are you sure? Because I feel like you've been avoiding me these last few weeks" McKayla says "No! I would never avoid you, it's just that I've been really busy" Chase scratches the back of his head.

"with what?" McKayla says trying to start a conversation "Uh I've been working on projects with Mr Davenport, and because of that I've been...working a lot" Chase says blushing he tries to sound less nervous.

McKayla raises her eyebrows showing interest in the subject "You know, he and I have a lot in common so we work well as a team..." Chase says, looking away from her so he can try to talk normally without thinking too much.

"That's great, I'm glad to know you're spending time with your dad" McKayla says pleasantly with a smile.

All the kindness and delicacy she conveys makes Chase melt inside, and this is visible in the slight awkward smile on the corner of his lip, and the sparkle in his eyes when he slightly tilts his head to look at her.

McKayla presses her lips shyly at the way he looks at her "So...speaking of projects, I was wondering if you'd like to be my partner in the project we are going to do on the trip we're taking wednesday to the Mission Creek museum?" McKayla asks, feeling anxious about his answer.

Chase smiles "Your partner? On a school trip? You mean like...sit next to you on the bus and stuff?" Chase asks playing with his fingers, McKayla frowns "yeah, pretty much, we'll also need to write a report at the end of the trip and deliver it to the teacher" McKayla says.

McKayla sighs "So what do You say?" McKayla asks again "uh...sure" Chase tries to sound casual, McKayla feels a relief "Cool, see you then" McKayla smiles, and leaves "See you!" Chase chuckles nervously as she leaves.

When she enters the cafeteria Chase bites his lip containing the smile "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Chase says to himself, celebrating by jumping up and down with a smile.

A group of students look at him strangely "She wants to go on the school trip with me!! With. Me!!" Chase tells them excitedly, with a smile from one ear to the other, they nod at him not really caring.

Chase stops jumping and clears his throat "As expected" Chase tells them he tries to maintain a firm posture adjusting his shirt.

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Later in the lab.

Adam, Bree and Chase return from a mission, Chase seems happy.

"Great mission guys, nothing like saving a runaway subway full of people to end the day well" Chase sighs, putting away his gear.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now