♬ 58 - Bionic Dog

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Paige came to visit McKayla for a few days while her boyfriend was away with his family, the two friends really missed each other and wanted some time together

McKayla and Paige walked through the academy halls talking.

"So how are things with Chase?" Paige says with a giggle "They're great. It was great to make up with him and talk again" McKayla says "What about the kiss?" Paige smiles brightly.

McKayla smiles and rolls her eyes "We only kissed once Paige. Take it easy" McKayla says, Paige groans "That's your problem Mack, you take things too easy, and slowly" Paige says.

"We jus taking it slow cuz..." "For years" Paige rolls her eyes "Paige" McKayla says "Sorry. It's just that I've been watching you two fooling around for years, when it's obvious that you guys want to make out, so why don't you just do it!" Paige says, McKayla laughs shyly.

"That's not how it works" McKayla says "Yes it is, you two are just too naive to understand" Paige says, McKayla rolls her eyes "No. That's not how it works because I don't just want to make out with him...I want date him" McKayla thinks.

Paige hugs McKayla "I'm sorry if I keep pushing. You know, I'm watching this from a box and I'm an anxious person, who can't wait for the couple to get together soon!" Paige says, McKayla laughs.

"seriously when you called me and said you guys kissed I spent the night squealing! Dean slept with earplugs that night" Paige laughs "Dean is a warrior for having a girlfriend like Paige and being such a calm and peaceful guy" McKayla thinks.

"But he was also happy for you" Paige says "Really?" McKayla says "Yeah, Dean and I have been shipping you and Chase ever since you told me he taught you math with dance moves." Paige giggles.

McKayla smiles at the memory "At that moment I was already in love with him" she thinks "We're waiting for the moment when you two will finally date" Paige says, McKayla sighs.

"But relax, I know what you're going to say..." Paige says "Everything in its time" McKayla says next to Paige "Yeah, I know. I tell you that the wait for the first kiss was worth it" Paige smiles fixing her friend's hair "It really was worth it" McKayla blushes remembering the kiss.

Paige smiles proud of her friend "Promise you won't hide it from me if he gives you a hickey?" Paige says, McKayla gasps "Paige, Shut up!" McKayla lightly pushes her friend, Paige laughs.

"I know you don't like turtlenecks so if you show up wearing one I'll know" Paige narrows her eyes mockingly "You're so weird!" McKayla laughs, Paige shrugs.

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Later the girls find Leo, Bree and Chase in the common area.

While they talked the hydraloop opens and Adam walks out.

"Guys, guess what I found!" Adam says, a dog comes out of hydraloop and Leo, Bree, McKayla and Paige start to pet it.

"Aww oh my god look at him!" McKayla says rubbing the dog's belly "Hey little guy" Paige says "Where did you get a dog?" Leo asks "And please do not say from a guy with sunglasses and a cane." Bree says.

"No. He started sniffing me when I got on the hydraloop, then he went crazy and wouldn't leave me alone." Adam says "And did you by any chance have meat in your pocket?" Chase smirk.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now