♬ 29 - Mission: Mission Creek High

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After school McKayla goes to the mall where she would interview to be hired for an work study at a store called Tech Town.

She enters the store where it is possible to see several tablets, computers and cell phones and other technological items being displayed.

"Hey!" McKayla goes up to a woman in the store uniform "Hi, how can I help you?" the woman asks "So...Ming" McKayla reads the woman's badge "I'm here to apply for one of the work study positions. Do you know who I should talk to about this?" McKayla asks.

"You should talk to our manager, it's that guy" Ming points to a guy using a tablet, leaning one of his legs on the table in an exaggerated way, McKayla frowns "that guy?" McKayla asks, Ming nods "Hey Scott!" Ming says.

Scott rolls his eyes and groans "Ming for the tenth time if a customer asks for a USB cable you take him to department 5!" Scott says "Actually, it's this girl who wants to talk to you. But thanks for the tip...Hey girl, this is the wrong department!" Ming says to a customer, while Scott approaches McKayla.

"I can help you?" Scott says "Hello, nice to meet you, my name is McKayla" McKayla extends her hand and Scott greets her with a serious look "I saw the ads for work study positions, and I would like to apply" McKayla smiles excitedly.

"McKayla huh" Scott grabs a tablet "Do you already have any professional experience?" Scott says "I worked in a small bakery when I was 14, it was my mother's but they fired me when she sold the...""Yes, was enough of an answer" Scott interrupts her, McKayla purses her lips, she has the impression that giving details of things makes her more friendly, but sometimes that just bothers people.

"Do you know anything about technology McKayla?" Scott asks "Yes, I follow all the releases, everything cell phones tablets video games... in fact I see that you have everything from the classics to the most recent models here" McKayla points to a shelf.

"Yeah, you seem to know about it" Scott says "and I know, ask me anything!" McKayla says confidently, she didn't go into this interview empty-handed, she researched a lot about it.

"How do you know if the processor is fast?" Scott asks, McKayla thinks for a moment "uh...A processor's clock speed determines how quickly it can process data...." McKayla goes to a shelf in the store "If you want a higher clock speed, I recommend this processor... personal experience" McKayla picks up a processor box.

"However, keep in mind that Higher clock speeds mean faster performance, but they also consume more power...But there's no mistake, trust me" McKayla winks, Scott looks at her impressed "wow if I were a customer, I would buy from you" Scott says, McKayla gives a shy smile.

"I think I'm really going to buy it, I need a faster processor...Ming pass this to me at the checkout" Scott throws the processor to Ming.

McKayla sighs, having to help fix Trent's computer every time he spilled chocolate milk on his PC was worth it.

"McKayla, you're hired!" Scott says, McKayla smiles "Thank you so much, you don't even know how much you're helping me" McKayla says, this is a relief, now she actually doesn't have to give up dance classes, besides helping her father.

"We know that it's the money you're going to receive that's really helping you, not me" Scott says, McKayla shrugs "still, you're the one who made it possible. Seriousy, thank you" McKayla smiles "Leave all this politeness to the customers, McKayla" Scott leaves.

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