♬ 6 - Death Spiral Smackdown

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In the Davenports' kitchen.

Bree and Chase are at the counter and Leo makes cereal "After school today is the big Death Spiral Smackdown. Me and Adam are gonna unleash the fury! You guys gonna come watch?" Leo asks.

"We'd love to, but we're gonna go to the mall and check out the escalator. I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping" Chase says excitedly.

"Ooh, um, were we supposed to do that today? Shoot, I-I can't make it. I have a really big test to study for" Bree says "What?" Chase says upset.

Chase sighs "Okay, fine. I just hope those old ladies are there again to clap for me" Chase says

"Never had this cereal before" Leo takes a bowl of cereal "No, Leo! Those are power pellets" Bree says.

"I don't care what they're called, as long as they make my milk chocolaty" Leo smiles "No. They're bite-sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics" Chase says.

"Yeah, but, we don't eat them anymore because we learned how to active them ourselves" Bree says They taste like dog treats without the livery aftertaste" Chase smiles, Bree and Leo look at him strangely "I'm guessing" Chase says, he obviously did it.

"Well, I guess I'll just have these" Leo takes a box of cereal "Careful, Leo! Those are Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's. Studies have shown they slow down your brain activity" Chase says.

Adam walks in he gasps "Yummy Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's!" Adam says excitedly taking the cereal box, Chase shrugs and he and Bree leave.

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At the school.

McKayla and Caitlin are talking to Bree in the hallway.

"So do you guys feel like going out today?" McKayla asks "Totally!" Bree says excitedly.

"Uh...so Bree...you don't want to invite Chase too?" McKayla nonchalantly says "What? No!" Bree says.

Caitlin looks at McKayla and whispers "if you want to go out with him why don't you ask him?" Caitlin says, McKayla rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Wait, do you want to go out with Chase?" Bree asks, McKayla's eyes widen "Uh W-well, you know Adam and Leo will be at the Death Spiral Smackdown and...He's cool, I thought maybe he would...add something more to the group" McKayla frowns at her excuse.

No one suspects McKayla's crush on Chase, she has a lot of affinity with many people so this goes unnoticed by everyone, including Chase.

Bree shakes her head "Believe me, no!" Bree says "Also, it's just the girls!" Caitlin smiles, McKayla makes a mocking face at her.

Caitlin is the only person in the world who knows about McKayla's feelings for Chase, but she doesn't approve, for her, McKayla could find a guy much better than him.

The school bell rings, Chase and Leo walk down the hall and see Bree and the girls.

"What is Bree still doing here? She said she had to study for a test" Chase says "Yeah, she's not studying for a test" Leo says, Chase galres at him.

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