♬ 21 - The Haunting of Mission Creek High

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In the main school hallway.

Adam, Bree and Chase are at their lockers when Leo discreetly appears at the gym door.

"Psst! Hey, guys, you ever have that nightmare where you're standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit?" Leo quietly behind the door, Adam, Bree and Chase look at each other confused "Well, it's happening to me!" Leo comes out from behind the door wearing just a towel and socks.

They hold back their laughter "Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower!" Leo says "Well, you know, when I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself: Where's the last place you saw it?" Adam says "On my body." Leo says with a serious expression "And you definitely checked there?" Adam says.

"That is so mean. Who would do that to you?" Bree says, Trent walks in wearing Leo's clothes over his "A-yo!" Trent screams "Ah." Adam, Bree and Chase say, now it all makes sense.

"Trent? You took my clothes?" Leo says "Well, yeah. How else am I supposed to play Attack of the Giant Trent? Fee-fi-fo-fum. I smell the blood of a wimpy one!" Trent sniffs Leo "Get it? It's you" Trent whispers "TRENT!!" McKayla shouts from the stairs, furious, and all eyes turn to her.

"Oh bye bye Trent" Adam says, Chase chuckles, McKayla looks at her Leo and points out "I couldn't believe it when I heard people say they saw the 'Real Dooley' walking around!" McKayla says irritated, She walks up to him.

"What have we talked about?" McKayla says "look, I remember the deal was that the only one I couldn't mess with was your boyfriend, and as far as I know you boyfriend still has all his clothes on!..." Trent says quietly to McKayla "You're ridiculous" McKayla says irritated "..for leaving this honor to you?" Trent laughs, McKayla blushes extremely "Trent!" McKayla says "Nobody heard!" Trent says.

McKayla looks around embarrassed, she looks in Chase's direction, he is focused on Leo and luckily he didn't hear, but she can't relax about it because now she knows he has bionic hearing.

Trent rips the pants "Ooh! Tear in aisle two! Looks like your mommy's gonna have to buy you clothes at the not big and the not tall store." Trent laughs at Leo and walks away, McKayla whimpers quickly hiding her face.

"Why does Trent always pick on me more than anyone else?" Leo says "Well, I outsmart him. With some tips from McKayla, I've studied his schedule and routine to ensure that we're never alone together. I even know when he is gonna take a...""Bathroom break!" Trent runs away, proving that Chase knows what he's talking about "...Right on time." Chase smiles.

Bree looks at her frustrated "Son, you need a hobby." Bree says, McKayla goes to them "Guys, I really feel sorry for him" McKayla says "It's not your fault McKayla" Chase says "I've told him several times not to bother Leo but he doesn't listen to me" McKayla says.

"I'm flattered that you try to defend me M.C, but this is a man-to-man fight. I'm gonna go offer Trent a choice. Stop picking on me or suffer the consequences." Leo says determinedly, he walks into the cafeteria, Trent steals Leo's towel offscreen Leo screams.

Trent walks back into the hallway and starts waving Leo's towel "Camera phones on, people. We've got a runner!" Trent says, several students run to the cafeteria, McKayla groans at Trent and leaves.

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In the main hallway, Leo walks out of the school office wearing Perry's pantsuit.

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