♬ 46 - Face Off

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At school.

Bree walks over to Adam and Chase who are at the school lockers

"Guys, you will never believe what just happened. Jake Chambers asked me to the winter dance!" Bree says excitedly "Jake Chambers! The Jake Chambers?" Chase says impressed "Yes!" Bree smiles wildly "Who's Jake Chambers?" Chase asks tilting his head.

"The only guy who's even talked to me since people found out we were bionic" Bree adjusts the strap of her bag on her shoulder "Apparently no one wants to date a girl who they think was unveiled at this year's auto show." Bree says.

"Well I'm going to ask McKayla to the dance" Chase says determined "Cool it's going to be your third kissless dance!" Adam laughs "Oh really? Well, who are you going to the dance with?" Chase says, Adam's smile disappears "No one." Adam says tearfully.

Adam leaves, McKayla goes downstairs and Chase goes to her.

"Macky!" Chase smiles, McKayla looks away from the notebook in her hand to him "Hi Chase" McKayla says while across the hall, Jake Chambers walks over to Bree.

"Hey Bree." Jake says "Oh, hey, Jake, what's up?" Bree smiles.

Adam start a imitation of Perry on school speakers "Attention students: This is your principal, Principal Perry. Please report to the hallway where Bree Davenport is making a fool out of herself in front of the boy she has a crush on." Adam says, the students laugh.

Bree looks at Jake embarrassed and he looks at her embarrassedly "I'm gonna just go." Jake walks away.

McKayla looks at Bree with pity and Chase clears his throat "Uh McKayla do you want to go to prom with me?" Chase asks, McKayla shrugs "Apparently this has become a tradition huh" McKayla says.

Chase smiles "Yeah, I guess so" Chase blushes, McKayla swallows hard "Just spending the night dancing with him is no big deal, you guys always had fun at dances there's no reason for you to say no" she thinks.

McKayla was still upset with Chase. but she saw no reason why this would ruin their friendship. After all, she considered that what made her upset was more of a conflict about her feelings towards him and not about him himself.

"Of course, I think it will be fun" McKayla says and gives a light and gentle smile "Step 1 completed successfully" Chase thinks "Cool, if you want I can pick you up at your house" Chase suggests, while Bree talks to Adam.

"Well, can't you embarrass someone else besides me?" Bree says "I could." Adam pulls down Chase's pants, his eyes widen and he immediately pulls up his pants, Bree puts her hand over her mouth.

McKayla gasps and laughs "Oh thank you so much for that Adam" she thinks, Chase looks at her extremely blushing and gives an awkward smile "I'll meet you here" McKayla says pressing her lips and leaves, Chase closes his eyes and sighs embarrassed.

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In the lab.

Chase is at one of the consoles when Bree walks in.

"Ugh. Adam is such a jerk. I can not believe that he embarrassed me in front of Jake." Bree says "Yeah. You were doing just fine on your own." Chase says sarcastically and Bree gales at him irritated.

"Don't worry, I know the perfect way to get revenge." Chase walks to the central cyber desk and picks up a case "I have been working on an upgrade to Mr. Davenport's cybermasks. Now they're cybermasks and cloaks." Chase opens the case with a proud look.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now