♬ 64 - Spike vs Spikette

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In the common area.

Douglas is going through a line of students "Next!" Douglas says, Adam, Bree, Chase, McKayla and Leo walk up to him.

"What's up, Douglas? Doing a price check on bionic kids?" Leo says "And that is indeed a serious question for ya" McKayla says.

"Ooh, I wonder how much I'm worth." Adam says "Well, we could sell you for parts and find out." Chase smirks sarcastically.

"All right. Well, just don't sell the part that does this!" Adam punches Chase "Ow!" Chase says, McKayla kicks Adam "Ow! Look I don't like your violent behavior" Adam says "Likewise" McKayla says.

"I'm just cataloging everyone's bionic abilities." Douglas says "Oh, cool, count me in." Adam says "Adam, we already know what your abilities are." Bree says "Ugh, okay, you got me. I just really like waiting in lines." Adam smiles and joins the front of the queue

"I like how he's content and appreciates the little things" McKayla giggles.

"In addition to the bionics we know they have, Krane also gave them a lot of weird hidden abilities. Just trying to get a grip on what we're dealing with." Douglas says "Great idea" McKayla says.

"What does that guy have?" Bree points to a student with red-glowing hands "Check it out." Douglas takes out burger "Oh, no, my lunch is undercooked. Oh, Thermo Hands!" Douglas says.

The boy places the burger between his flaming hands, and opens palms to reveal it to be fully cooked.

"Why, thank you." Douglas tells him "This is so unhygienic" McKayla says slightly disgusted "I agree" Chase says.

"Sweet ability, dude." Adam high-fives him "Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot! Ooh!" Adam blows on hands "Hey, those things are dangerous!" Adam says "Obviously, even because they are under Douglas' supervision," McKayla says.

"Try it again, I'm sure they've cooled down." Bree tells Adam "Oh, no, I'm not falling for that. I got her." Adam high-fives him again "Ow! Wha!" Adam walks out.

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In the cafe in front of the training area.

McKayla, Chase and Bree they are having lunch.

Chase and McKayla can't stop looking at each other, whispering and giggling at each other, Bree just rolls her eyes.

Chase and McKayla are at a stage in their relationship where they find each other extremely adorable and are exchanging caresses with each other.

Even the physical contact between them is more natural, they are both used to this idea but they have not yet crossed many of the lines, such as compliments other than "cute" and "adorable"

McKayla holds Chase's face "you're so cute" McKayla says and kisses his cheek in several places, Chase laughs blushing "Ahem!" Bree clears her throat.

McKayla and Chase remember her presence "I'm Sorry" They both say "I just can't, your brother is too cute" McKayla snuggles her head on his shoulder "And she is more than cute" Chase thinks blushing intensely.

Douglas walks in "Hey, Chase, you are not gonna believe this. Another student has the Commando App!" Douglas says.

"What? I thought I was the only one with that app." Chase says "Yeah, you're not that special." Douglas says, Chase's smile disappears and he looks at Bree "Don't look at me, I've been trying to tell you that for years." Bree says.

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