♬ 23 - My Little Brother

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At McKayla's house, it's morning and she's in her room doing morning exercises with headphones on.

When suddenly she sees a commotion, and Trent running in the hallway and quickly going down the stairs, when she takes off her headphones to see what is going on she hears the smoke detector.

"Fire!!' Trent screams down the stairs, McKayla runs after him hearing the house's smoke detector go off.

McKayla and Trent run to the kitchen where they see a frying pan on the stove on fire "Dad!!" McKayla screams seeing her father, Mason. Running to get a dish towel to put out the fire.

Frank Grillo as Mason

"Throw water!" Trent says, Mason grabs a dishtowel and heads towards the stove trying to stay calm "Stop!" McKayla says, taking the lid off the frying pan and closing it quickly, quickly the fire goes out

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"Throw water!" Trent says, Mason grabs a dishtowel and heads towards the stove trying to stay calm "Stop!" McKayla says, taking the lid off the frying pan and closing it quickly, quickly the fire goes out.

Everyone sighs "You're crazy dad, this dishtowel isn't even damp!" McKayla takes the cloth from his hands, Mason passes his hands over his forehead "Woah how do you..?" Trent points to the frying pan.

"You don't throw water on a fire like that, water does not mix with oil, it spreads thousands of oil droplets into the air when it evaporates. In contact with oxygen in the air, the droplets react and catch fire at the same time." McKayla starts opening the windows to air out the place, Trent frowns "The fire reduces with the smothering, This reduces the amount of oxygen on the frying surface" McKayla says.

"How do you know that?" Trent asks, McKayla sits at the kitchen table and thinks "I don't really know" McKayla says confused "That's my girl" Mason says impressed and proud with how quick she thought.

"What happened? I heard screams, who hit who?" Says McKayla's mother, Brooke. Entering the kitchen worried about a smudged eyeliner on her face.

Danica Mckellar as Brooke

♬ Danica Mckellar as Brooke ♬

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