♬ 9 - Air Leo

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In the main hallway of the school, Janelle, the girl Leo has a crush on, is looking for signature for the school's annual one-on-one basketball game.

Leo goes to the table where she is "Hey, Janelle, how about that lunch special today?" Leo says "Really? That's your opener?" Janelle says sarcastically "l, I was gonna go with "Where have you been all my life?" but I'm only, like, 14, so..." Leo says frustrated.

"What are you up to?" Leo asks "I'm signing people up for the annual one-on-one basketball tourney" Janelle says "Ew. How'd you get stuck doing that?" Leo says "I love basketball" Janelle says "Me, too! I too love the basketball." Leo says with a forced smile.

"In fact, they call me "Hoop Master Leo." Leo says "No, they don't." Janelle says "No, they don't. Hey, check this out" Leo picks up a bottle of water and tries to hit a trash can, but ends up hitting the bottle straight on Trent's head, who was standing next to the trash.

Trent immediately turns around looking for whoever would have done that, Leo's eyes widen "Where'd that come from? Who threw that?" Leo says.

A student walks by Janelle's desk, she picks up her clipboard and stands up. "Oh, hey, do you wanna sign up for the one-on-one tourney? We need people badly" Janelle tells the student "Oh. Sign me up" Leo says "Not that badly." Janelle says.

"One-on-one tourney?" Trent approaches them "Don't you mean "The Trent Show"? Starring Trent... With a special appearance by... Trent" Trent says, Janelle rolls her eyes at his every word.

"Trent, you're the five-time champ. I already signed you up." Janelle says "You've been in high school for five years?" Leo asks "No." Trent says and discreetly turns to count on his fingers. "Yeah." Trent says.

"Hey, little guy.. .think fast!" Trent threatens to throw the ball he is holding at Leo, who reflexively moves away, Trent laughs "Okay, you got me." Leo chuckles impatiently "Ah, that never gets old." Trent walks away "Yes. Yes, it does." Leo says impatiently.

"No one's signing up for the tournament because he wins every year." Janelle says "Oh, look how sweet. He's autographing that kid's cheek." Leo says looking at Trent writing his name on a student's forehead.

"I am literally all up in your face. And I used his freckle to dot the "I."" Trent says blowing the student's cheek to dry the pen's ink, he smiles proudly, Leo turns to Janelle "If he just spelt "Trent" with an "I," he's gonna be here a lot longer than five years." Leo says.

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Later Leo is with Chase at the lab.

"And no matter what I do, Trent always makes me look like a fool in front of Janelle." Leo complains "Well, he does get a little help from you in that area." Chase says, Leo laughs sarcastically at him.

"Well it's no wonder he wins every year, McKayla always says that sports and playing with food are the only things Trent knows how to do perfectly" Chase smirks sarcastically.

Leo frowns "How awesome would it be if I could beat him in that basketball tournament? That would impress Janelle." Leo says, Chase is making a face like he just had an idea.

"Wait a second." Chase says excitedly "Uh-oh, you just turned on that Chase I'm-smarter-than-you-and-I-have-a-big-idea light-bulb face" Leo smiles "It's not your best look, by the way." Leo says, Chase glares at him.

Chase gets up from the console he was at "Davenport has been working on an anti-gravity high-top sneaker for astronaut trainingand".

Chase walks over to a bench where he grabs a pair of sneakers. "Maybe the sneaker's will up your game with a few gravity-defying slam dunks." Chase says.

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