♬ 69 - Bionic Action Hero (Part 2)

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In Giselle's lab.

Chase is laying in a chair/table platform, and starts to stir "What happened?" He thinks.

"Lock him up." Giselle says, Troy flips a switch, and Chase's feet and hands are locked up.

"Where am I?" Chase asks "My robotics lab. Can I get you something? Water, tea, sharp pain in your neck as we rip out your bionic chip?" Giselle says "You know, I was built on this very table. Kind of funny. It's where I had my first day. And you're having your last." Troy says cackling.

"All this technology, and you couldn't give him a sense of humor app?" Chase says "With your chip, I can finally give my androids superior intelligence. And unlike bionic humans, they won't be vulnerable to things like pain, or emotion, or their lives ending." Giselle says.

"My family will come for me." Chase says "I'm sure they would, if they weren't about to be involved in terrible accident." Giselle says.

"Accident? What are you talking about?" Chase says, Giselle walks over to her desk and a camera of the film set pops up.


At the film set.

"Ten seconds." Bree says "Wait. Something's weird. Why would Giselle leave all her androids behind to blow up with us?" Leo says

The androids start to geo-leap away.

"Good question. You should probably ask them before they all geo-leap away." Adam says "Three seconds!" Bree says

The film set blows up


In Giselle's lab.

"NOOO!" Chase shouts "NO THIS ISN'T HAPPENING" Chase thinks desperately "Well, that's a wrap on your family." Giselle says.

"Wait. What is that?" Troy says, the camera shows Adam, Bree, Leo, Luke McKayla and Douglas running in the exterior shot of the building.

"They escaped!" Chase smiles "Thank God" he sighs in relief.

"But that's impossible." Giselle says "Not really. Looks like you need my bionic intelligence more than your stupid robots do." Chase says, Troy storms over "I was kidding. Please don't take it out, please don't take it out!" Chase closes his eyes and screams.

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In the common area.

Adam, Bree, Leo, Luke, McKayla and Douglas get off the hydraloop.

"Great idea, Leo. But how did you know that grabbing onto an android while they were geo-leaping would geo-leap us out, too?" Bree says "I didn't. I just figured if I'm getting blown up, I'm taking one of them with me." Leo says.

"Good strategy" Luke says comforting McKayla "How are we going to save Chase?" McKayla says "Don't worry girl, I'll check his GPS locator." Douglas says.

"Poor Chase. This is all my fault." Bree says "No, it's mine, I should have suspected him before, it was very stupid of me" Luke says putting his hand on his shoulder Bree, she looks at his hand.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now