♬ 70 - One of Us

327 17 91

In the training area.

Luke is with Bree and Adam who are waiting for Chase and Leo for training.

"Weird Chase is never late" Bree says "What about Leo?" Luke asks "Eh" Adam shrugs.

Suddenly Chase runs in "I'm here! I'm here!" Chase says, Bree and Adam frowns "You're exactly 2 minutes late..." Bree says "Well, That's common" Chase says "Maybe for others but not for you" Bree says.

Chase presses his lips together "Where were you?" Adam asks "Uh I was uh...I was..." Chase blushes, Bree smirk crossing her arms.

"You know what, I don't owe them an explanation" Chase thinks.

Chase clears her throat "May I know where Leo is?" Chase says walking past them.

"May I know where my cousin is?" Luke says, Chase glares at him "Damn it" Chase thinks.

"I asked first" Chase says "But I'm clearly the most interested" Luke smirk "In this case, I can assure you that she is fine" Chase smirks, Luke frowns.

"We can't find Leo anywhere" Bree says "Weird" Chase says they go to the common area.

Douglas is there "Douglas, have you seen Leo? He's late for training." Chase asks "Why don't you just call him?" Douglas asks "Ugh, too much work. Let's just kick him out of the academy." Adam says.

"I know a guy who would make a great replacement" Luke points to himself "he would be an improvement...In my opinion" Bree smiles, Luke chuckles.

The phone rings and Leo pops up on a video call on the screen "Hello." Leo says "Leo, what are you doing back in Mission Creek? You're supposed to be here for training." Chase says.

"Sorry, I had to pop back and deal with a little situation. Janelle missed me. You ladies can be so needy." Leo says "She threatened to break up with you, didn't she?" Bree asks "It was implied." Leo says frustrated.

The doorbell rings "Ah! She's here!" Leo hangs up.

"Can you believe him? Skipping his training to hang out with a girl?" Chase says disapprovingly as Luke frowns at him "Dude, is that a hickey on your neck?" Luke discreetly lowers Chase's collar and Chase hits his hand, blushing intensely.

"Your argument has been refuted" Luke says, Chase adjusts his collar shyly "A hickey huh?" Adam smirk "Shut It!" Chase says annoyed.

"It's just an allergic reaction" Chase says shyly "Caused by McKayla's mouth sucking your neck?" Bree asks, Chase gets even redder and unresponsive while the others laugh.

The hydraloop opens and S-1 walks out.

"Aaah! It's her!" Douglas shouts, all of the students get into fighting positions.

"Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Adam says "Adam, that's S-1. Krane's lead soldier. She tried to destroy us." Chase explains.

"Oh, yeah. What do you say we finish the job and get out of here?" Adam tells S-1 who just looks at him confused.

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"What are you doing here?" Chase asks S-1 "I figured since this is the Bionic Academy, you're the only people who might be able to help. Something's wrong with me." S-1 says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now