♬ 66 - Lab Rats vs Mighty Med (Part 2)

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At Mighty Med hospital.

The entire team walks in "Welcome to Mighty Med, the world's best superhero hospital." Oliver says "First I get to travel through a wormhole, and now, I'm in a superhero hospital? This is the best day ever!" Leo says excitedly.

"If you don't count the part where our brother got blasted and is about to die." Bree says "Wow. You really know how to ruin a guy's day." Leo says.

"Here. Put him over here." Oliver tells Adam who sets Chase on a cot "You're going to be fine babe" McKayla says running her hand over Chase's forehead.

"Horace, Chase was blasted by the Incapacitator. He needs immediate medical attention!" Kaz says "Oh no, not Chase. This is terrible! Who's Chase?" Horace says "Him." Oliver raises Chase's arm.

"Nice to meet you." Horace says, Chase doesn't respond "He's not very friendly, is he?" Horace says "Hard to be when you're unconscious" McKayla says tilting her head.

"So, what type of superhero is Chase, other than an impolite one?" Horace says, McKayla rolls her eyes "No, no, he's not a superhero. He's a human with a bionic chip that gives him super-abilities." Bree explains.

"Except for the ability to say hello. Chase, you're embarrassing us!" Adam tells an unconscious Chase "No, he's not the one embarrassing us" McKayla squints at Adam.

Skylar walks up to them "What's going on? Who are these people?" Skylar asks "I'll explain later, but the short version is" Kaz points to each of them "bionic arm, super strength, super fast, and super unconscious and super cool and super nerdy" Kaz points to McKayla and then Luke who frowns.

"Me? Why, Leo is the one freaking out about superheroes?" Luke says "You look more like a nerd" Kaz shrugs "That's not bad cousin" McKayla says and Luke adjusts her glasses thoughtfully.

"No, I think is very cute" Bree smiles "Well, you're really cute" Luke says distractedly, Bree looks at him "Oh uh I mean...you're really kind to say that" Luke blushes, Bree giggles.

"Can you help him?" Leo asks Horace "Don't worry. I have everything under control. Chase will be perfectly fine. Kaz, Oliver come with me." Horace says as they walk to the other side of the room "I have a conference to attend but I'll brief you on what to do next." Horace says.

"Horace, I'm so relieved you know how to cure Chase." Oliver says "Ah, me too. But there is one minor issue. I don't know how to cure Chase." Horace says "What?!" Oliver says.

"I'm sorry, but I've never seen biotechnology like that before." Horace says "Then why'd you say you could cure him?" Kaz says "It's so much easier than telling people you can't cure them." Horace turns to a random patient "Good news, I can cure you!" Horace tells him "No." Horace mouths for Kaz and Oliver.

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"This is bad. We insisted we bring Chase here, we promised he'd be fine." Kaz says "I know, Mack is going to be devastated, look at her" Oliver says and points to McKayla who doesn't pay attention to anything other than Chase.

"Okay, if Horace can't cure him, we'll just have to figure out a way to do it ourselves. In the meantime, just pretend everything's fine. Act confident." Oliver and Kaz walk back over to Adam, Bree, Chase, McKayla, and Leo with their chests puffed out.

"Wow. These guys seem really confident." Leo says "Thank you for bringing us here and finding a cure for Chase. I have to admit, I had my doubts." Adam says.

"I'm sure you guys know what you're doing" McKayla smiles at them holding Chase's hand "Seriously, like, you just met us" Oliver says "I can see you're an honest guy... and confident" McKayla smiles gently, Oliver looks nervous knowing he can't help, and she's putting her trust in him.

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