♬ 63 -Spider on the Island

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In the common area.

Leo and Luke are at a console when Douglas walks in.

Douglas is on the phone "Yes Donnie, I'll take out the garbage. No Donnie, I won't experiment on the kids' bionics while they're asleep again." Douglas says, Luke and Leo looks at him.

"It was one time and you didn't even notice." Douglas tells them "So this is the mad scientist behind your bionics?" Luke asks Leo "Yup, and get used to it because he has bionics as an answer to everything" Leo says "Gotcha!" Luke says.

"Gotta go. Yes, I miss you too." Douglas hangs up phone "Aw he's a soft heart huh" Luke says.

"Well, Donnie and the students made it to Gettysburg for their first official field trip." Douglas says "Bionic kids and cannonballs. What could possibly go wrong?" Leo says sarcastically.

"You're a student. Why didn't you go?" Douglas asks "Oh, Big D thinks I'm there. When he takes attendance, I paid a kid 5 bucks to yell 'Here!' and another kid 10 bucks to yell 'Shut it, Leo'." Leo smiles "Oh Smart, I used to do that in gym class at school" Luke says and they high five.

Bree walks in "Oh, hey Bree. I ditched the field trip, so I could hang out with you guys. What should we do on our day off?" Leo asks "Our day off? No, this is my day off and I already got it all planned out. I'm going to sit by the pool and read a book. I'd ask you to join me, but I live and work with my family, so I'm sick of all of you." Bree says.

Luke laughs "I love her sincerity" he thinks, he looks at the console, Bree quickly looks at him "But I'm not sick of you...friend" Bree giggles ar Luke, Leo frowns.

"Good to know, in fact I've already read this book, it's really good, maybe when you finish it we can discuss it" Luke suggests, Bree gives an excited smile "Of course!" Bree says.

Chase and McKayla walk in "Hey guys, wanna hang out?" Leo asks "No Leo, I want to be alone with my boyfriend after a busy week" McKayla thinks "No! I want to do something romantic with Macky, Leo!" Chase thinks.

Chase and McKayla look at each other "Uh we actually have plans right?" McKayla tells Chase.

"Sorry Leo, gotta make the most of my day off. I already organized the weapons vault, alkalized the island's water system and taught a cute little group of dolphins to wave hello!" Chase waves.

McKayla giggles "You're so adorable" McKayla says "No, you're adorable" Chase says, leaning towards her "Aww!" McKayla pouts "Okay! We get it" Bree says.

Adam walks in with a rock "Oh, hey, Adam." Leo says "No." Adam says "I didn't even ask you anything yet." Leo says "Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead." Adam says.

"Thank you. Would you like to han..""No."Adam interrupts Leo.

"Guys, check out this rock I found on shore. I had to dig it out from under a wooden box of old yellow coins and jewelry." Adam says "Wow, it has a rustic beauty" Luke says adjusting his glasses "Adam, this isn't a rock. It's a fossil. Let me see that." Chase says.

"No!" Adam says, they tussle and Chase gets the rock, laying it on the console and scanning it.

Chase gasps in amazement "This is a prehistoric sea spider! It went extinct millions of years ago." Chase says "Way to go, Chase. You made my rock boring." Adam walks away.

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