♬ 7 - Teach Me

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McKayla and Chase are in math class.

The teacher is explaining the subject, Chase pays attention attentively and McKayla plays with her pen.

"So, could anyone tell me how to calculate the probability?" The teacher asks, Chase raises his hand with a smile from ear to ear "I know!" Chase says.

McKayla chuckles and leans on the table to look at him, the teacher rolls his eyes "Uhg! Yes, Davenport, say it" the teacher says impatiently.

"To calculate probability, You must divide the number of favorable events by the total number of possible events. This generates a sample, and the calculation can be performed from the data obtained. Probability determines the likelihood of an event occurring. P(A) = f / N. Odds and probability are related but odds depend on the probability!" Chase says quickly and smiles proudly at himself as he finishes.

McKayla raises her eyebrows impressed and looks at the teacher who looks at Chase impatiently "I don't think there's anything to discuss anymore" the teacher says.

"I appreciate your participation Chase but why don't you let the other students answer..." The teacher says looking at the room, Chase agrees.

McKayla watches Chase from her desk, he reads his workbook and she can't contain a smile as she watches him, the teacher notices her distraction.

"McKayla!" The teacher says, McKayla jumps and drops the pen "Sorry" McKayla says, she goes to pick up the pen from the floor and when she returns she hits her head on the table "Owch! Sorry" McKayla says.

Everyone in the class looks at her, including Chase "Is everything okay?" The teacher says "yeah, yeah" McKayla says, adjusting herself in her chair.

"McKayla, tell me what is the formula for P probability?" The teacher asks, Chase looks at her, McKayla taps her fingers on the table "Uh....." McKayla swallows hard.

Chase starts to feel distressed, he knows the answer but he can't say it, McKayla scratches the back of her head while the whole class looks at her.

"P means probability right?" McKayla asks nervously, the teacher sighs "P (A/B) is known as conditional probability and it means the probability of event A that depends on another event B and is read as "probability of A given B" The teacher says, Chase agrees.

"P(A/B) = P(A∩B) / P(B). It is also known as "the probability of A given B". P(A/B) Formula is used to find this conditional probability quickly!" Chase completes the teacher looks at him irritated, Chase clears his throat "I'm sorry sir" Chase turns around.

"Yup, that's exactly what I was going to say but you interrupted me sir" McKayla smirk, Chase tilts his head in doubt.

The bell rings, everyone starts to grab their materials and leave.

McKayla passes by the teacher's table "McKayla wait, I want to talk to you" the teacher sits at the table, Chase quickly looks at McKayla going to the teacher's table.

"Something wrong?" McKayla says "Miss McKayla, I'm worried about your grades" the teacher says, McKayla sighs.

"I mean, you have good grades in other subjects but not mine, you're hanging on by a thread" the teacher says "Am I going to fail?" McKayla asks, Chase picks up his things as slowly as possible to continue listening to the conversation.

"If you get a good grade on Friday's test you won't fail" the teacher says "and what do you suggest I do?" McKayla says "study girl, or you'll end up repeating like your brother" the teacher says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now