♬ 39 - Cyborg Shark Attack

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In the living room.

Adam, Chase, McKayla and Leo walk in after going to the movies.

"Man, that movie was awesome!" Adam says "Yeah, Shark Beach definitely lived up to the hype. Although I couldn't hear most of it over Leo screaming. "Shark! Ahhh!"" Chase screams imitating Leo, McKayla laughs and sits on the kitchen bench.

"No, Chase, that's not right. It was more like" Adam does a high pitched mocking scream, they laugh

"Oh, it was not that loud!" Leo says "Dude, I'm a girl and I can tell you were screaming like a girl." McKayla says.

"What are you talking about? I saw you scared to death and hugging Chase to "protect yourself from the sharks"" Leo says, Chase and Adam look at her "Damn, my fake fear was busted" McKayla thinks.

"Uh...like I said I'm a girl what's your excuse" McKayla shrugs "It wasn't the best way to get off the subject but it works" she thinks.

"Look, it's hard for me to talk about, but when I was younger I had a very traumatic experience with a shark." Leo says "You did?" Chase asks.

"It was the dead of summer. I was playing in the water when all of a sudden everything turned red. That's when I realized..." Leo says dramatically "Realized what?" Adam asks.

"It bit me." Leo says "Oh my God!" McKayla says "A great white?" Chase asks "No." Leo says "Hammerhead?" Adam asks "No." Leo says "Tiger?" McKayla asks "No" Leo says.

"So what kind of shark was it?" McKayla asks "Okay, it was rubber." Leo quickly says "Are you kidding?" McKayla frowns.

"Wait, wait, wait. You were bitten by a toy shark at the beach?" Chase asks "No." Leo pauses "It was a bathtub." Leo says "Oh God!" McKayla slaps her forehead.

"But, that water was choppy. And I was not the only victim.... Mr. Froggy is still missing." Leo says dramatically "Oh that's worrying indeed" McKayla says "thank you!" Leo says "You really need a psychologist Dude!" McKayla taps him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you know what else is missing?" Adam asks "What?" Leo asks "Your manhood." Adam says, and he, Chase and McKayla walk away.

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On the school court

McKayla was waiting for Trent to finish his class so they could have lunch together.

Trent blows the whistle "Run dead weights, run!" Trent screams as his students run across the court.

"Great great" Trent says picking up a football, the students continue running around the court.

Suddenly, at the back door of the court a woman enters. She holds books in her hand and seems to have difficulty getting them through the door with her bag.

"Okay losers, you're finding it easy. Get ready for Trentnado!!!" Trent screams and throws the football at one of the students.

One of the boys tries to hold the football and ends up getting hit in the face, which makes him bump into the woman. He drops the woman's bag and all her books on the floor.

Trent laughs "Better luck next time Kevin" Trent laughs "Trent!" McKayla says "What? I'm teaching them to be strong" Trent says, McKayla rolls her eyes sitting in the stands.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now