♬ 44 - Brother Battle

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Still in the lab, McKayla had just told the bionic quartet about her move to Chicago.

"Yeah, congratulations" Chase says, making it harder every second for him to hide his upset. "Thank you" McKayla says, trying to stay happy despite seeing the looks on her friends' faces.

"You didn't tell us that the dance school was so far away" Leo says "Yeah. If we had known, we wouldn't have been so rooting for you to make it" Adam says, Bree hits his arm.

McKayla presses her lips "It's just that I didn't know exactly which school the scholarship was for, they have schools all over the country so" McKayla says "There aren't any in Mission Creek?" Bree asks.

Chase remains silent "I know this changes a lot, guys. But...There they train students to actually work with dance one day, I've been dreaming about it my whole life and it's the kind of thing that can't be achieved that easily" McKayla says.

"It's just going to be weird without you here" Adam says "Well, don't worry, I'm coming to visit the city and you can call me whenever you want" McKayla says "It's not the same" Chase thinks.

"I promise I will keep in touch with you, you are my best friends" McKayla says "We know M.C" Leo smiles.

Chase remains silent and everyone looks at him "Well, I'm not your dream. We're happy if you're happy" Chase says, his voice breaks at the end of the sentence, as if he had something stuck in his throat.

"Thank you, thank you for all the support guys, you are amazing" McKayla smiles, everyone hugs her.

McKayla sighs and looks at Chase "maybe it's better this way" she thinks, she thinks that maybe getting away from Chase is better, so she won't continue creating false hopes that he is in love whit her.

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Later in the Davenports' living room.

Chase paces the room, Adam, Bree and Leo are on the couch.

"I can't believe she's leaving" Chase says with a heavy chest "Chase calm down. And since you're up, get me some snacks" Adams says, Chase sighs impatiently.

"She can't leave town like that!" Chase says "Chase, there's nothing you can do, She's following her dreams, it was obvious that she wasn't going to wait for you the rest of her life" Leo says "I would wait for her" Chase says upset.

Bree shakes her head reevaluating the situation "Well, maybe nothing happened between you guys because it wasn't meant to be" Bree says "Something happened between us Bree. That's why I don't understand why she is leaving" Chase says.

"Like I said sometimes it wasn't meant to be" Bree says "Yeah man that's life, sometimes she was just meant to be your friend, your first crush but maybe she isn't the one" Leo says trying to calm Chase down.

"She is the one" Chase thinks with a pain in his chest and a lump in his throat.

"I'm sorry Chase. But you still have a chance to say something to her" Bree says "Tell her something for her to leave anyway, and create an awkward mood between us and I lose contact with her for good, I don't think so" Chase overthinks.

"Yeah, why don't you risk telling her how you feel?" Adam asks, Chase looks at them upset "I...maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe she'll stay there for a while and when she comes back..." Chase says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now