♬ 65 - Lab Rats vs Mighty Med (Part 1)

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In McKayla and Leo's room.

It's almost 5:30 in the morning and McKayla is already awake while Leo is still sleeping, McKayla is sitting on the floor meditating, she breathes in and out when Luke runs in.

"Mack!" Luke says "Shhh!" McKayla raises a finger without opening her eyes "You must respect my zen zone and our little friend's rem sleep" McKayla says Calm down.

"Chase wants to show you something" Luke says, McKayla opens just one eye "What?" McKayla asks "Something amazing" Luke smiles wildly.

McKayla leans on her leg "I don't know if I'm comfortable with you staying up all night with my boyfriend" McKayla says sarcastically, Luke gales at her and kicks the gong next to her making a shrill noise that wakes Leo up.

"Aaah!" Leo falls out of bed, McKayla glares at Luke angrily "Come on!" Luke runs out.

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in the Mentor's Quarters.

Adam, Bree, and Leo are sleeping when Chase runs in.

"AAAAAAAH!!!" Chase screams and Bree and Adam wake up in shock.

"Guys, wake up! We did it! we did it! we did it!" Chase jumps excitedly

Luke, Leo and McKayla walk in "We were sleeping! We were sleeping! We were sleeping!" Leo jumps irritated.

"Chase, it is 5:30 in the morning. What's going on?" Bree asks "It took 5 years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it! We created a new technology that's gonna revolutionize the way that the world gets its energy. Aaaaah!" Chase says excitedly.

"Aw congratulations!" McKayla smiles gently, being the only one besides Chase and Luke who looks rested.

"Did he just wake us up to talk about  science?" Adam asks "And is there a better way to wake up?" Luke smiles, Bree glares at him "I don't care where you hit them, just make it hurt." Bree says, Luke rolls his eyes.

"Come on!" Chase runs out.

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In a new room, with the transponder.

"Ooooh, you are so beautiful. Ooooh, yes you are. I love you. I love you. I love you. I..." Donald was talking to it, when everyone enters "I hope we're not interrupting your moment, I think there was something going on" McKayla says sarcastically.

"Were you just talking to a glass cube?" Bree ask "No, I was talking to my reflection in a glass cube." Donald says "It makes more sense now" McKayla says.

"Here she is, the Davenchase energy transponder." Chase says "She?" McKayla frowns.

"That little thing is what you guys have been working on the past 5 years?" Adam asks, Chase nods "Your genius is fading, young Chase!" Adam says "Yeah, if you think that's impressive, I've got a log cabin made of popsicle sticks that will blow your mind!" Leo says sarcastically.

"Hey, just because it's small doesn't mean it doesn't have great potential!" Luke says, McKayla scoffs "Trent used to say that to you all the time" McKayla laughs, Luke glares at her angryly.

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