♬ 25 - No Going Back

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At school, McKayla and Caitlin walk through the hallways.

McKayla seems happy about something "What are you so happy about?" Caitlin asks "Nothing" McKayla says, Caitlin raises her eyebrow.

"Okay... I think I'm going to ask Chase out on a date" McKayla says quickly, getting the weight off her chest, Caitlin sighs "Still on that? I thought your dad didn't like him" Caitlin says.

"Yeah, But it's not like he can control my feelings, and I've been out with Chase before" McKayla says "You guys never used the word 'date' so" Caitlin says.

McKayla sighs "I don't know what to do Caitlin, I just...he's so amazing, and kind and cute...I have these feelings and I don't know what to do with it" McKayla says slightly nervous.

Caitlin tilts her head when they see Adam, Bree and Chase coming down the stairs and talking "Look at him, he's so perfect" McKayla sighs, Caitlin frowns looking at Chase and not agreeing.

McKayla pouts looking at him like he's the cutest thing in the world, Caitlin pats her arm lightly "Stop looking at him like that, it's getting weird. And that's me saying that" Caitlin says.

McKayla sighs "I just love him so much" McKayla says, Caitlin makes a surprised face "do you love him?" Caitlin says, McKayla looks at Caitlin with a scared look and nods.

"Aaww Mack" Caitlin hugs McKayla "I knew you were in love" Caitlin says excitedly, McKayla laughs gently "Stop Cait, it's no big deal" McKayla says.

"It's a big deal! And you need to tell him!!" Caitlin says "No! You know he would freak out" McKayla says "Maybe if it was any other girl but it's you! You two are too inseparable for that to ruin what you have" Caitlin says, McKayla crosses her arms "No, I like how we are, having his company means everything to me, no matter how" McKayla says.

"Well, okay but I'm just saying he's totally in love with you too" Caitlin says "what?!" McKayla says "yeah, it's sooo obvious, even in the way he looks at you, which by the way he does a lot!" Caitlin laughs.

McKayla looks at Chase on the stairs and he was already looking at her, confirming what Caitlin said. Chase gives her a shy smile and waves gently at her and she waves back with an awkward smile.

"See? Love!" Caitlin hums "stop you always think everyone is in love, last week you started ship the lunch lady and the janitor" McKayla says "Hey no one is cleaning the kitchen floor for so long like that!" Caitlin says in a suspicious tone, McKayla rolls her eyes.

Meanwhile on the stairs "I'm so glad school's over! Ms. Thistle talked for an hour in history. I mean, she's 90. Does she really need to waste all that breath?" Bree says.

They notice that the other students, including McKayla and Caitlin, are in a line while the lunch ladies search them with metal detectors.

"What's all this?" Chase asks, Perry walks in "Listen up, frogspawn! Security check. Put all metal objects in the bucket and proceed to the wands for a more theral search." Perry says collecting McKayla and Caitlin's phones.

"Principal Perry, what's going on?" Bree asks "Somebody's been stealing computers from the computer lab and I'm gonna bust the perp. Or perps." Perry threatens.

"Bottom line, nobody leaves this school without going through those metal detectors. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sort through your loose change and have a little heart to heart with the vending machine. " Perry walks away.

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