♬ 60 -Simulation Manipulation

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In the training area.

Exoskeleton starts firing lasers at Chase's team.

"The exoskeleton's gone rogue! We have to take it down before it destroys the whole academy!" Chase says in the corner of the room, Chase's team start walking towards Exoskeleton.

"No! You're doing it wrong! Wait for my command before you attack!" Chase says, the Exoskeleton continues firing lasers and Chase's team hides behind barrier.

"Why aren't you attacking?" Chase says, Chase's team starts walking towards Exoskeleton again "Well don't do it now! Retreat! Retreat!" Chase says "Oh my god, is it really that difficult?!" He thinks, annoyed.

Exoskeleton knocks Chase's team down and then deactivates "Great. My team is down! MY TEAM IS DOWN!" Chase says irritated.

Donald and Adam walks up to him "Well, I think we can all agree that's not how you take down an Exoskeleton." Donald says "Come on. Give us one more shot." Chase says.

"I'm sorry Chase. This combat simulation was to test your students' progress and as much as it pains me I'm going to have to give your team a big F." Donald says "An F! Damn It!" Chase sighs.

"Oh, who am I kidding? This doesn't hurt at all." Donald says "Right, step all over me when I'm on the ground, dad!" Chase glares at Donald

"It's called failure, Chase. Let me spell it out for you: F..." Adam starts, Chase raises his eyebrows and turns his ear to Adam, challenging him to spell the rest "I'm not listening...oh yeah, you don't know spell" he thinks, laughing inside.

"You know what? On second thought, why don't you spell it out for me?" Adam says "Talking about failure..." Chase nods his head.

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"I can't believe you guys messed up the combat simulation. What's the first thing I taught you? Do as I say, and as I do." Chase tells his team, Donald frowns "Good pep talk." Donald says sarcastically.

"Adam, your team's up!" Donald says "OK guys! What's the first thing I taught you?" Adam asks his team "Don't be like Chase!" They high five Adam.

The Exoskeleton start firing lasers at Team Adam.

Adam's Group gets behind the barrier "OK. Let's do what we do!" Adam says, the Exoskeleton fires laser "Now!" Adam shouts, Adam's Group throws the barrier at the Exoskeleton.

"And that's what we do." Adam high fives his team "That was amazing! That was even faster than Bree's team last week." Donald says impressed.

"Hey, all I'm hearing is Chase lost and I'm a better teacher." Adam says proudly "No way! You are not a better teacher than I am!" Chase says annoyed.

"Hey, calm down dude! You've got plenty of over things to be proud of...See at least you have a girlfriend now" Adam pats Chase on the back. Chase removes Adam's hand from his back "Exactly! I have a girlfriend and I'm a better teacher than you!" Chase smirk, Donald rolls his eyes.

"Look, there are still two more tests to evaluate your students' progress and I'm sure your team will do better on the next one. It's more... cerebral." Donald tells Chase "Yes! Me and my brainiacs are gonna take you down!" Chase tells Adam.

"You're taunting me and making fun of yourself at the same time, I didn't think that was possible." Adam says, Adam's team laughs.

"Look, both teams will be judged on how well they handle analytical thinking." Donald says "Alright, guys! Huddle up! Adam huddles up with group "Does anyone know what analytical thinking is?" Adam tells his group quietly.

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