♬ 30 - Operation McKayla's Birthday

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At Caitlin's house, she invited Bree and Paige for a conversation that she says is urgent.

Paige and Bree, who were just introduced to each other by Caitlin, who met Paige at a McKayla presentation a few years ago but are still not very close friends but friends.

They are sitting on the couch while Caitlin presents a slideshow "Okay people! I've gathered you here today to discuss a subject of extreme importance" Caitlin says.

"World peace?" Paige asks "No, McKayla's birthday, the little angel of our lives, is coming up, we need to have a party, a big party!" Caitlin says showing a slide that says "McKayla's birthday" and a photo of her.

"Are slides really necessary?" Bree asks "Obviously it's my best friend's birthday, Bree!" Caitlin says impatiently, Bree rolls her eyes, she considers herself McKayla's best friend but she won't discuss it.

The truth is that everyone in that room is McKayla's best friend and she loves them equally, but they don't understand it.

"Anyway, I know Mack always wanted a party with a dance floor, a DJ and lights" Caitlin shows the slides "And this year we're finally going to give her the party she so deserves" Bree says.

"Okay, I like the idea, but how exactly are we going to pay for this party?" Paige asks "As it's something she's been talking about for a long time, she and I have been saving up some money since last year so we can get everything, if you two contribute to give the remaining money, it's done!" Caitlin smiles.

Bree smile "I'm in" Bree says "Me too. Oh my cousin is a DJ, I can ask him to play at the party, and just Mack's favorite songs" Paige says excitedly.

"Yey! That's great, I've already thought about the decoration and we're going to do the garden at her house, her father recently renovated it so everything will be beautiful" Caitlin says excitedly.

"And her father is okay whit that?" Bree asks "I haven't talked to him yet, but he's never denied any of my ideas with Mack. Let's just say I'm a great influence on his daughter, so there's no way he can say no to me" Caitlin tosses her hair convinced, Paige and Bree look at each other "Sure" they both say sarcastically.

"Okay, we can invite everyone from school" Bree smiles "And I'll invite our dance class" Paige says "Great, now for the part of the plan that McKayla doesn't know about" Caitlin says, Bree and Paige frown curiously.

"I really love Mack..." Caitlin says "We all do" Paige says "It's not a competition, Paige!" Caitlin says "It feels like" Bree smirk "For real" Paige says softly, Bree giggles softly.

"Anyway, that's why what I want most is to see her happy on her birthday and we know exactly what would make her happy" Caitlin says "Uuh I like where this conversation is going" Paige smirks, Bree scoffs "Are you talking about Chase?" Bree asks.

Paige and Caitlin nod "Our mission at this party will be to bring the two together and create a mood!" Caitlin smiles "Well that's it actually Really cute" Bree says "Oh yeah! Let's be like their cupids, I love it!!" Paige says excitedly.

"How?" Bree asks "I still don't know" Caitlin says "I know!" Paige raises her hand "I know exactly how to do that!" Paige says.

"It would be interesting for my brother to have a little push" Bree thinks "Exactly, he's sooo slow" Caitlin scoffs "But first we need to talk to her parents, don't we?" Paige says.

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